Branex - International


5 Surprisingly Wonderful Communication Tools you need to start using right now

Effective communication is like a clever design.

If the design is not simple, how will the user relate to it? Every word that you say should have a reason behind it, and every idea that you deliver should whisper a message to the listener. If the design is complex, how will people understand and relate to it?

Communication plays an important role in all business models. It can make or break a company based on how it is handled. This is why it is indispensable to learn how to communicate effectively with a client, a business partner or even your family members.

It falls on Entrepreneurs and business managers to determine the right communication tools for their company. This goes for both internal and external business communication tools. Let’s look at the 5 communication tools which served me right and helped me take my business to the next level.

  1. Video Conferencing with BlueJeans

Everyone has their own way of attending and conducting video meetings. For me, BlueJeans fits the bill. It is a cloud-based video conferencing tool which can make your meetings more productive. The good thing is that the service is not just limited to a web browser, you can even use a mobile to attend the meeting. Just choose a venue to host a meeting and get started even from your home.

Schedule your meetings on Outlook or integrate with popular business apps. Even if you don’t have an audio/video compatible phone, you can use any phone to join in the meetings.

2) Give a boost to productivity with TaskQue

If I can pinpoint one tool that saved me tons of time, I can proudly name TaskQue. I started using TaskQue two years before, but now I thank my friend who discovered this wonderful tool.

You can prioritize your tasks and even assign them to your idle resources. A project can be assigned to multiple resources and you can manage all of them under a single workflow.

Eliminate the hassle of back-and-forth communication by collaborating under a single window. An amazing communication tool that helped me finish off projects ahead of time.

3) Zoom

If you’re looking for something on the lower end of the price spectrum, Zoom is for you. Video conferencing combined with cross-platform messaging and file-sharing features, make this tool udder fabulous.

Zoom lets users conduct all types of online meetings, such as video conferences, one-on-one, training, and webinars, on-the-go. The service can be used on mobile devices as well as on desktops. It also incorporates a developer feature which can help you integrate video, voice and screen sharing, and even apps which are already used in your company.

The free version of Zoom can do one-to-one meetings and for groups, you can use 100 participants to take part in the meeting. A paid version offers admin tools, additional integration, and slight customization.

4) Zoho Meeting

Hold meetings and share live product demos with your team and customers. Zoho meeting is a comprehensive meeting solution that can help teams support remote working, and help businesses lead live meetings with prospects.

You can sign-in with Google, Facebook or Yahoo account. Just enter the meeting ID and you’re all set to join the meeting room. You can hold product demos for your nearly launched products as well.

5) ClickMeeting

For businesses that give a lot of presentation, ClickMeeting is the right choice. You can even prepare your brand before the meeting. Brand your presentation with logos, theme, and even slideshows.

During the presentation, you can add Q&A, polls, and CTAs. The webinar can also be saved for later viewing. One splendid feature is that you can add 25 attendees at any time. The enterprise edition lets you add up to 5,000 attendees with an option of multiple presenters.

To wrap it all up

If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not growing. Even the best communication tools can sometimes fall short. There are embarrassing mishaps that can have serious repercussions. On the second thought, we believe that every employee deserves a second chance for the poor judgment. Productivity benefits when employees aren’t spending time trying to figure out how to explain or make up for a communication misstep.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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