According to the updated WhatsApp privacy policy, the messaging platform will share users’ data with its parent company Facebook. The platform is forcing users to accept its terms of service till 8 February
With the world in a state of lockdown and millions of people working from their homes due to the coronavirus, cybercriminals are busy making the most of this opportunity. Cybersecurity firms and cybersecurity
According to Norton, the cost of a single data breach for a company in the USA is estimated to be $7.9 M. Unless you are Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos this number should give you a heart attack, or at least prepare
According to the updated WhatsApp privacy policy, the messaging platform will share users’ data with its parent company Facebook. The platform is forcing users to
Here’s a food for thought! Without consumer data, Facebook would be bereaved of its revenue model, marketing agencies would fail to calculate ROI accurately, and