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Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: What is the right fit for your brand?

If you want to overthrow the Goliath, you need to step into the battleground. Your choice of weapon will dictate the defeat you want to inflict on the giant of the industry.

The rock-solid competition requires a mega-marketing strategy that can push your brand off the ground, and Google Ads and Facebook ads dominate the online advertising space.

If you want to reach out to customers, Google’s search network or Facebook’s news feeds are the places to be right now.

Facebook currently boasts over two billion monthly active users, making it a hotbed for user activity. Similarly, Google Ads encroach upon the lives of billions of people each day.

The “Holier than Thou” battle between Facebook Ads and Google Ads has been raging on forever it seems. it is nearly impossible to know clearly which will fit your business. Since both mediums are producing results for brands, you cannot afford the liberty of neglecting one over the other.

Before diving into any one of them, start by asking two questions:

  • What is the end-goal that you want to achieve?
  • How will it benefit your business?

If your answer is lead generation or sales, it means that both the platforms are perfect for you.

If brand awareness is your end game, Facebook is the medium for you.

If you want to sell products, both Google can Facebook can fight to be your best friends.

If you’re serious about generating leads and knowing how Facebook Ads or Google Ads can help you turn visitors into leads, keep reading;  there is a lot in store for you.

The secret unleased: How to use Google Ads to get more leads?

Start by Search Network.

Did you know that Google Display ad campaigns reach 80% of users across the globe?

Consumers who see a brand on Google Display Ads are more likely to search for the brand to know more about it.

It is not just about display ads, video-based content ads work equally well. Which means there are more chances of being noticed by the consumer.

The average click-through-rate on display ads is just 0.08% across the USA.

So, the search network is surely the best place to start.

To get started, you can locate the keywords which are relevant to your business. Learn more about the Google keyword tool, and get started with the keyword planner.

Just start with a keyword that rubs the right way with your niche.

This will give you more ideas on the target keywords which are relevant to your business.

Just hit the ‘Start Now’ button and you’ll get a lot of suggestions.

By using Google ads, you’ll be able to achieve the following:

  • You’ll know how many competitors are competing on a keyword. Greater the difficulty level of the keyword, the higher the number of businesses bidding on the keyword.
  • And the bid ranges will help you discover the highest and the lowest paying bid.
  • This will give you an idea of what the competitors are bidding on, and how much do you need to invest in campaigns, which will be right for your business.

The right way to advertise on Facebook

As you might have heard, Facebook advertising affords some serious targeting options.

Not just that, there are tons of options for all the various campaigns. Here are a few steps which can get you started:

  • Start by creating an audience based on your previous clients and sales records.
  • You can do this with the help of Facebook lookalike audience. This Facebook feature can help you replicate your current audience. The algorithm operates by checking out emails of the customers and matching them with their Facebook profiles.
  • You can even integrate it with MailChimp.

Images do create a strong impact

Images are responsible for 75 – 90% success on an ad campaign on Facebook.

When done correctly, images can say more than words and incite the people into action. Even if you don’t want to grapple with graphic design or want to hire an expensive designer, you can make amazing designs on Canva.

The ‘Facebook Ad template’ on Canvas consists of different templates which can help you create images in mere seconds.

3 ways in which you can use Google Ads with Facebook Ads

It’s not always about Facebook Ads vs Google Ads; as they say, if you cannot beat them, join them. How about using both Facebook and Google together.

Start with Facebook, end with Google

As mentioned earlier, Facebook is a wonderful place to build brand awareness. Get your product out there for the people to see.

Create a campaign targeted towards your cold audience. In this way, you will get to people who are looking for the product but don’t know where to find it.

This is when you can move on to Google Ads. In the Google Ads, use your brand name as a keyword. When people recognize your brand from Facebook, they will buy your product on Google, as they are already familiar with the product.

This is how you can leverage the power of both Google and Facebook concurrently to acquire more leads.

Use Google Ad data to target people on Facebook

Get to know your target audience better by looking into your Google Ad campaign. This real-time data lets you see people who are really searching for your product.

Use this data to target audience on Facebook. There are myriad options in the Facebook ad campaign, where you can sort your audience based on gender, location, household, and various demographics, to retarget audience and glean relevant traffic on your website.

Retargeting can help you cut down on ad spending.

The same audience on both can help

And if you’re more curious about Facebook Ads vs Google ads, you can even try reversing the idea and seek people on Facebook and use that data to create better campaigns on Google.

One of the best features of Facebook is lookalike audience. Dig deep into lookalike ads and see how it can help your brand grow.

In a nutshell, the algorithm in Facebook lookalike work in a similar manner as Google, which means it can work in tandem with Facebook.

This will double the impact of your audience as the power of both Google and Facebook will combine to create an overall impact.


To wrap it all up. When it comes to Facebook Ads vs Google ads, it is not wise to prefer one over another. There is no competition at all. You can use both and create a larger impact.

Both Facebook and Google provide unique benefits for any business what-so-ever.

Each of the platforms can bring a diversified number of people on your website.

If your goal is to create brand awareness start with Facebook. If you want people to buy from you, use the Facebook lookalike feature to gather the audience and use that data on Google ad campaign.

Build awareness, create leads, and close them with Google Ads.

The good news is that we, at Branex are providing digital marketing solutions that can help you with the traffic and convert that traffic into leads.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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