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Things to do on Digital Marketing Day: How about killing your competition

He came. He saw. He conquered.

This is not my quote. But it is relevant to my topic. So, I stole it for you.

The competition is lethal. If you want to scale your business, you need to start by creating a robust digital marketing strategy.

Every year, the digital marketing day is celebrated on the 16th of December with gusto & enthusiasm across the globe. Everything that you do will add-on and affect the digital presence of your brand.

If you have nothing to do on the digital marketing day, you can stick to this blog and educate yourself with some tips that you can do to grow your online presence.

User Experience

Instead of whiling away your life daydreaming, get-up and study neuromarketing techniques. User experience is something that can reduce your marketing cost and generate leads without entailing many efforts on your part.

Humans take decisions when they’re triggered. These psychological triggers can be used to affect the buying decisions of people.

The digital marketing strategies should be designed to appeal to the audience. On this digital marketing day, delve into research and understand the customer’s intent behind their buying decisions.

Establish customer’s interest by providing a seamless user experience. Your brand recognition will increase if you’re able to engage visitors and turn them into customers.

The user experience is all about making your customers feel special. If the customers must do all the thinking, your user experience needs a redesign.

“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” ~Jeff Bezos

What is the loading speed of your website?

Can you reduce it to provide a seamless user experience?

Use Pingdom to accurately figure out the loading speed of your website.

Simplify your navigating menus, use chatbots when possible, and tone down your search box to know the intent of the user and give them smart suggestions. If the users find their product on the main page, they’ll surely visit again.

You’ll know what customers are thinking about when they’re visiting your website. Moreover, if there are repeated questions, you can utilize the FAQs section to educate users on all the possible questions that they can ask.

This digital marketing day, read the best digital marketing blogs that can help you captivate users and capture their attention.

Learn how to create attention-grabbing content

You need to spend some time revising your content marketing strategy. The content on your website should act as a magnet. If it is not attracting people, it means that there is some problem with the content.

Good content can engage customers, send a brand message, and educate your potential users on how your brand can help customers.

Great content can increase the organic traffic on your website & improve your search engine rankings.

Bring your brand to life. Magnify your Conversation Rate Optimization Now!

Your audience is looking forward to content that easily communicates your brand value. As per Jeff Bullas, follow the 80/20 rule to create content that customers love. 80% of the content should be informational and educational, while only 20% of the content should be about your product/brand.

Messaging is one way to gain the attention of your customers. If you message customers, there is a greater chance that the link will be opened if the message is convincing enough. Use emails to create awareness of your brand and grow your business without nailing your customers with irksome messages.

Secrets of growing your business with social media

Your online presence begins when you start valuing your social media strategy. Engage audience, communicate a message, and deliver a powerful intent with the help of social media platforms.

As a startup, one thing that you need to do is to devise a social media strategy leveraging your brand value to create brand awareness.

Instagram surpassed SnapChat this year, which makes both the social media platforms perfect candidates for social media marketing.

A good social media strategy starts with maximizing your growth, generating leads and converting customers.

Here are some killer tips to skyrocket your social media with traffic:

  • Target influencers to share your content. Give them a valuable piece to share and they’ll be happy to do so.
  • Share behind-the-scenes videos on Instagram and SnapChat. Let your audience know how your product is made.
  • Repurpose your top-performing content in a different form. For instance, take a blog and convert it into an infographic. Or make a presentation out of it.
  • Create a sense of urgency to boost your sales.
  • Use minimalist marketing to generate more leads.
  • Keep an eye on social media trends and follow these trends vigorously.

Social Media Optimization

Most importantly, invest in a good social media marketing strategy. Don’t just spend money on social media optimization. Monitor the results and see how it affects your brand.

Once you understand the outreach and impact of your brand, you can redefine the digital marketing strategy accordingly.

Understand how SEO works. On digital marketing day, go through some blogs and learn as much as you can.

A good digital media strategy can act as a catalyst and help you grow your business. If the conversation rates are improving, its great news. If not, its time to change the strategy and try something different.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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