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Some Amazon Marketing Strategies To Make You Filthy Rich


Amazon marketing is making people filthy rich. Everyone who started from zero is earning more than $50,000 a month just by working 3-4 months. Hard work with smart marketing pays off.

If you are still toiling away at a 9-5 job, chances are that some friends dreamed of starting a business when you began your job, and now they are enjoying vacations every few months. If they can do it, so can you.

Without any delays, let’s talk about some ways in which you can win big with Amazing marketing and sell your products like hotcakes.

“Learn everything you can learn now while you are young. If you think you are old now, well let me remind you that NOTHING IS TOO LATE. If you start it now, you are never too old to do it! Don’t wait for another year for you to learn something new. JUST DO IT. (You listen to Nike!)” ~Anonymous

I was quite content with my life until I heard a podcast a few months back. I felt goosebumps. My ears pricked up. Why? I heard someone made a million dollars just by selling on Amazon.

Customers will judge the product by its title

Amazon allows you 150-250 characters in the title for a reason. So that you can integrate keywords and attract customers at the same time.

The title is one of the two main components of the product description pages.

Optimize your title with the following things:

  • Brand name
  • Product name
  • A unique feature like color, size, or use of the product.

For instance, if there is a blue-colored baby pacifier, your title can be something along the lines of:

Silicone Baby Pacifier (Product Name) – YXY Company (Brand Name) – Comfort for Baby – Ease for Parents

If you chop and analyze the title, it will be something like:

  • Silicone Baby Pacifier is the best possible keyword.
  • Comfort for Baby – Ease for Parents educates the customer about the product.

What you cannot do is cram your title with excessive keywords that don’t make any sense.

The best keywords are the ones that appear naturally in the title.

There are online tools like Google Keyword Planner, Simple Keyword Inspector, and Merchant Words that can provide the best possible combination of keywords.

Amazon uses the Amazon 9 algorithm to rank products.

Follow the Amazon Product Rules

Do you want to rank your product faster on Amazon? You cannot afford to miss these Amazon marketing product rules.

Use a white background to display your product. The image should depict the product clearly and constitute nothing but the product.

When you display the product against a white background, it will be easier for the customer to catch your product at a glance.

The image should only focus on what you are offering.

Amazon allows you to upload 5 – 9 images for each product. Use these images wisely.


Don’t just use images for the sake of portraying your product. Avoid inferior-quality images. Instill some emotions in those images. Better yet, use photos of real people using your product.


Moving on to the secondary images, here are a few pointers to keep on the top of your head:

  • Capture the product from different angles.


  • At least one image should showcase your product in action.


  • Use an image that lists the benefits of your products.


  • Make sure one of the images highlights the product’s size when holding the product.


The minimum pixels allowed by Amazon are 1,000 by 1,000 pixels. However, it is best to use images that are 2,000x 2,000 pixels, for added granularity.

You can even switch primary and secondary images to see which of the images are stealing the limelight.

Make it readable or don’t upload your product

Use bullets to grab the attention of your users. The question-form text will help the users get an answer to their problems.

Related: How to Survive the Amazon Marketplace?

Don’t overuse those bullets. A paragraph with no more than four sentences can help in grabbing the attention of the customer.

Keep updating the content

As January of 2018, Amazon had more than 564 million products on its website.  This means it is getting increasingly tough to make your product stand out from the rest.

The only solution left is to gather all the feedback and complaints and include those in your bullets.

You can use phrases that can grab the attention of your customers.

Phrases such as ‘100% money back guarantee’, ‘luxurious, soft and elegant’, ‘once in a lifetime’, and ‘Save up to 20% right now’, make the most impact.

Moreover, ensure that you are bold and capitalize on the main points in the bullets.

Crafting beautiful experiences that scale businesses to unimaginable heights

First Impressions Matter Most

The reviews on the website form the base upon which your products will rank on Amazon.

Here are three things that you need to look out for:

  • Average Star Rating

Reviews impact the product listing via the average star rating they get. A product with an average star rating of 4.5 or above will outperform products with 3 or less than three ratings.

In 2015, Amazon changed the weighted system for product star rating. Things that will affect the star rating are as follows:

  • Is the product bought at a discount?
  • The review time between the last review and the new one.
  • Was the product helpful for other customers?
  • Most Popular Reviews Section

The most popular reviews section placed at the middle of the page lets users vote on whether the product was helpful or not, which can greatly affect the product rank.

Typically, more than 4-star reviews appear in this section. If you garner more than four stars, it will be easier for you to feature in this section.

  • Most Recent Customer Reviews

If there is one thing that impacts the product search listing in Amazon’s marketing strategy, it is the most recent customer reviews.

The review which is left in this section impacts both the customer and Algorithm 9 in Amazon.

To increase reviews in this section, you need to sell a quality product.

You can ask the customer to review your product. If the product is exceptional, they will be sure to put in a good word.


  • Don’t take days to answer to your users

When selling products on Amazon, it is essential to understand the concerns of your users and answer them as quickly as possible.

Customers will ask questions even after they have purchased the product. If the product is unique, customers will raise questions.

Ensure that the answers that you provide are complete and straightforward.

Because anyone can post questions in this section, it is often advised to keep an eye on the FAQ section.

A Final Word

It is essential to remember that a well-performing product is part art and part science.

A/B testing will bring more opportunities.

Test to discern which of the elements is creating the most impact on the listing.

If possible, test one element at a time.

There are a lot of critical elements that can make your product a thriving success or a sad failure. If you’re able to list the product, selling it on Amazon will feel like a piece of cake.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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