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Avoid Being a Victim of Internet Homicide: How to Survive the Amazon Marketplace?

Have you heard of the brand Sh*t the Bed Hot Sauce?

Probably not. Now, you’ll remember the brand for the rest of your life for two reasons. First, the name itself is quite “fascinating”. Second, the product is selling like hotcakes on Amazon. We are talking $8,000 in sales per day and growing.

For people with a great mind, there is learning in everything. Despite being small and extravagant, this brand from Australia shattered the belief that success is only for gargantuan brands. Now, that they have done it, this gives a ray of hope to the brands operating outside the U.S. With the right strategy, they can succeed too.

So how do the big brands work?

For starters, Amazon Marketplace is like an eBay of the modern age.

If you have a second to none product, you can make a plethora of money out of it.

Thousands and thousands of brands are already shipping their products, interacting with potential customers and filling their pockets to the brim by selling products on Amazon.

When you’re an Entrepreneur, there are a lot of hats that you wear every day. Why not let off some steam and delegate. Check out the Fulfillment by Amazon service; an initiative by Amazon that can help startups ship their products directly from the Amazon storage facility.

But since life is not like eating peaches and mangoes, you cannot dominate the internet just by uploading the products on Amazon and walk off lighter. You need to get to grips with Amazon algorithms and thousands of data points which rank products on Amazon.

Showing customers the relevant product is the key. Akin to SEO, if you follow the right approach, you can survive getting swallowed by huge brands and establish a position for your brand, even if you are a small brand.

Instead of sloshing, here is where you can start

To get the ball rolling – the most crucial step is to register yourself on Amazon Marketplace.

Check out the categories that you can sell on Amazon.

Once you get approved, you can do these 7 things to give prominence to your products and increase your sales:

1) Stand out for something unique

Amazon is the beast of the jungle, but this doesn’t mean that it can protect you from all the animals. As a startup, it’s your job to learn survival skills. Learn what makes your brand special. And invest your energy in improving your product.

If you have a splendiferous product, you need to wrap that in a delicate packaging and go where the people are searching for your product.

If you learn to do this, moving forward every marketing campaign will be a piece of cake.

2) An offer that they cannot deny

There is a lethal competition out there. With over a hundred plus categories, it’s impossible to offer your customers something that they cannot refuse.

After you’ve covered the basic tools like shipping, return policy, and guarantees, think of something that can entice customers to buy from you.

For instance, if you start giving free giveaways to your first-customers, this will set you apart from others.

Another approach you can take is to extend the warranty or offer a free e-book related to something beneficial for the client.

3) On-Page Product Optimization

Akin to when you launch an ecommerce website, you optimize your listings to create a big impact, you can do the same for a product listed on Amazon.

Start by optimizing the product titles, images, bullet points, product description, and even the category in which the product is listed.

Once you are done with product optimization, you can use Amazon Marketplace stats to improve each aspect of your product listings.

4) Work hard on getting positive reviews

On the Amazon marketplace, product reviews act as a lifeline.

Just like Google, Amazon takes pride in giving customers supreme shopping experience, thus favoring products with a pile of positive reviews.

To win the hearts of your customers, ensure that the quality of the products is top-notch. After you’re sure that the product is of superior quality, you can set up an automatic, positive review system.

This will not just improve your overall product ranking, it will also maximize your conversion rate.

And during all of this, if you get a negative review, it’s worth connecting with the customers, resolving their issue, and requesting them to edit the review later.

5) Product Listings is the real deal

For a new Entrepreneur, it is okay to play safe. This boils down to the fact that it’s important to bring all the traffic to the website. But in the Amazon marketplace, if your product is performing well, Amazon will give you more leverage by improving the product ranking.

This can be achieved by advertising the product listings and gaining more attention to your products.

The best option is to first utilize the in-built advertising mechanism offered by Amazon, which includes sponsored product ads and dynamic display ads.

If you already have experience with digital marketing, you can go with AdWords, Facebook Ads, or email marketing to grab those potential customers.

If you’re super-busy, we can handle Digital Marketing for you.

6) Utilize Amazon features wisely

The only purpose of Amazon is to give customers the best service possible. Therefore, Amazon keeps launching products like Fulfilment by Amazon, mentioned earlier.

“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000.”

Amazon is super-conscious about their customers. In light of this, Amazon has invested tons of money in building solutions for their customers.

You need to capitalize on these features and implement them as soon as they arrive.

7) Expand your product range

Once some of your products start getting attention from users, it’s time to expand your product range and experiment with other products.

With Amazon marketplace, this is effortless, as Amazon provides cross-selling and personalized product recommendations.

One momentous thing that you need to consider is giving time and resources to your email list. Build a list and think up ways of giving them diverse options with different combinations.

If you apply these strategies in the Amazon marketplace, soon you’ll be able to outcast big brands. With an ounce of creativity and innovation, use your digital marketing channels wisely and witness the success of your brand.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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