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How to Reach Content Superstars Using the Right Blogger Outreach Tools


Jack is an enthusiastic entrepreneur who recently launched an e-commerce store to market his already existing bed and bath store products. Although business was prosperous for Jack within the vicinity of his town. He realized that it was long overdue since he gave some real thought to business expansion. He wanted to reach out to different cities within the state but his bank accounts certainly had other plans.

Seems like Jack was left with only two choices; either create an inventory and market his product all over the state right from a centralized store or open traditional brick-and-mortar stores across various locations of the region, which ultimately still meant incurring the cost of inventory and other distribution expenses.

Now, Jack was a good old guy living in the Suburbs of Arkansas, much less aware of the delicacies the Internet could offer to him.


Soon he met Joe who talked him into opening an eCommerce store and going online with his business and that’s how Jack started out with his ecommerce store. If you’re someone who has previously worked in the online world. I am sure you are quite well aware of how much product exposure matters.

Here’s where Jack faced a bit of a challenge.

Although he had a website to promote his products online, his social sharing strategy wasn’t up to the mark. He wondered how he could put his products out in front of more people in less amount of time.

Jack was saved by Joe once again because he showed him the right path to influential marketing. If you have a dream to grow your business exponentially, then you need to make sure that your business gets heard. And, influential marketing is the easiest way to get your brand voice heard all over the Internet.

These influencers are mainly productive content marketers, social media celebrities, business entrepreneurs, and famous bloggers.

They are the real content superstars!

Therefore, to help you reach out to the right content superstars for your business. I have assembled a list of blogger outreach tools that can get your brand voice heard. Without further Ado, let’s begin.

Top Blogger Outreach Tools to Get Your Voice Heard

Before we delve into the details of which tool best caters to your needs. Let’s acquaint ourselves with these influencer outreach services.

Launching a software product is one thing. However, creating awareness among the audience is a completely different game set. To establish a brand presence. You will need your product to appear on every social avenue that is associated with your business. Displaying ads in different places on the Internet can really click things for you, but the real exposure comes when famous people talk about your product on their platforms.

To do so, you will have to reach out to them and convince them to promote your product. And here’s where the blogger outreach tool comes in handy. A good blogger outreach tool will help you find the right influencers so you can reach out to them and pitch your purpose.

1: Buzzsumo


Buzzsumo is by far the undefeated champion in the world of blogger outreach. Buzzsumo is not just a tool for content exploration but is also a great tool for influencer marketing. It helps writers/business owners identify which topics are the most trending for their particular business and how much exposure they are getting on the Internet. What’s more? Buzzsumo not only provides you with insights into the world’s content, but you can also track the performance of your own published content by searching for it on the respective tool.

If you know your way around Buzzsumo, you can tap into the trending world of Internet marketing and make the most out of this incredible tool. Buzzsumo is right now, the king of content research and can easily connect you with the right people in just a matter of seconds.

Buzzsumo offers four different plans to its users.

  • Pro Package starts at $99/month which offers unlimited content research, 5 alerts, and 5000 mentions
  • Plus Package starts at $179/month, which offers unlimited content research, 10 alerts, 20,000 mentions & Question Analyzer feature.
  • Large Package starts at $299/month, which offers unlimited content research, 30 alerts, 30,000 mentions, a Question Analyzer feature, and Facebook Analyzer features.
  • Enterprise Package starts at $499/month, offering a custom-tailored plan that befits your requirements. It contains all the features plus full access to 5 years’ worth of data from Buzzsumo reports.

2: Voila Norbert

Voila Norbert was elected the most accurate email finder out there according to Ahrefs with an 87% success rate. Whether you’re trying to reach out to influencers, build marketing connections, or reach potential recruits, Norbert’s got you covered.

Searching for corporate email addresses can become a real hassle for marketing teams. However, with Norbert, you can now save time on the clock and reach out to potential leads in no time. Voila Norbert is an email tracking tool that allows you to easily pull lead information from different websites with just a click of a button. The button will appear on different profiles and search pages of popular websites. All you have to do is click on the button and Norbert will add their email address to a custom mailing list. Now, you can easily reach out to them. 

Hurry up, the first 50 searches are absolutely free.

If you want to know the pricing plans for Voila Norbert, Click Here.

3: Hey.Press

Doesn’t sound much, does it? But Hey.Press is one domain that can connect you with the right journalists on the market. Who do you think are the most heard by people over the Internet, who hold the power to voice your position and help you market your brand far and wide across the nation? Journalists.

With Hey.Press, you get a separate search engine, specifically designed to filter out the best journalists. They can help you create the perfect virality essence that you desire. Journalists usually work in diverse industries, so from digital marketing services to creating the right buzz around a pair of trendy spectacles, they know what to do.

Hey.Press is absolutely free to use.

4: BuzzStream


Now if you’re pressed for time and want to make the most of what you have got, BuzzStream can be your perfect resort. How does BuzzStream create a remarkable buzz around your products? It’s because this tool allows you to pull information on bloggers by simply uploading a list of URLs. In fact, this tool works marvelously because it also reveals other metrics, such as social metrics and other traffic stats accordingly.

It is also an incredible tool for PR marketing as it makes email outreach programs effective and efficient. The tool can automatically track the response rate for the emails that you send out. It has a built-in workflow that helps you easily perform your outreach in a streamlined manner.

If you want to know the pricing plans for BuzzStream, Click Here.

5: Traackr


As the trust factor of audiences continues to diminish in traditional online advertising, influencers are now becoming the emblem of ingenuity. People rely more on the voices that are heard!

We often find ourselves wondering where to begin or how to find the right people to publicize our business product. Traackr is one place that can make it super easy for you.

With Traackr, you can now track and connect with the right influencers who can create a real impact for your business in the market. To identify the right people belonging to your niche, all you have to do is to type in the keyword and let the tool do the rest for you. It will provide you reports on who has previously covered the topic and how the content performed against different audiences. You can also learn about the relevant keywords that are top-performing in your specific industry.

The tool is a bit pricey, but it contains a spectacular blend of elements to perform the right influencer marketing and is the best solution for large companies.

6: PitchBox


If you are searching for a powerful influencer marketing tool, PitchBox is your best option. It has managed to secure endorsements from some of the most magnificent influencers, such as Brian Dean and Neil Patel, whom they have prominently featured on their website. What makes PitchBox all the more amazing is that the tool can be integrated with several other SEO marketing tools, such as SEMRush, Moz & Majestic. The tool comes with a complete user-friendly package and evidently helps you design the perfect outreach program for your business.

Wondering what you can do with the PitchBox tool?

  • Firstly, you can find the right influencers in a jiffy.
  • Customize emails to target the right opportunity.
  • Create automatic follow-ups to tend to the unattended.
  • Integrate it with numerous SEO tools.

7: Tomoson


Instead of digging for the contact details of different influencers and going to painstaking lengths to get in touch with them individually, how about you join a single platform where all the influencers are already present? With Tomoson, you will never have to search for influencers again because it comes with a built-in audience.

Tomoson is a platform that connects bloggers with business owners. As an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you can easily choose a blogger you think can best benefit you in your business, simply by clicking on “Find Influencers” and then typing in your keyword.

You will find several influencers in your respective niche with their shared stats and fan following. Find one that fits your needs and has the right price and go for your big business break.

8: Ninja Outreach


What is Ninja Outreach? It is a web-based software that allows you to create flawless influencer outreach campaigns. It boasts a database of over 25 million websites, and with a bit of research, you can find thousands of influencers belonging to your specific niche. In fact, you can narrow down your research and find them in your country as well.

With over two million profiles, Twitter is one of the unbeatable kings in the world of social media platforms. You can easily find and connect with the right profiles, all thanks to Twitter. Also, you can filter out the accounts based on their followings and easily reach out to the one with the most teeming fan club for your products. Ninja outreach is a great tool for social outreach! From link building to social relationship management, you can do all with just a few handfuls of clicks.

Wrapping it Up

If you are someone like Jack who only recently launched a product online but is not leveraging the power of these blogger outreach tools. You are missing out on a huge window of opportunity.

Nobody likes to produce content that does not get the right exposure. If you want to achieve greater success, you need to cultivate strong relationships with the right group of influencers in your niche.

The only place to get your big breakthrough is to penetrate the market with your favorite outreach tool.

Ashad Rehman

Ashad is a Senior Content Producer at Branex Marketing, an experienced writer in the field of web design & digital marketing.

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