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6 Link Building Strategies To Crush Your Competitors

Successful link building

It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran SEO professional or a beginner, you’ll agree that natural link building will give you a long-term position in Google search ranking.

Links, links, and links everywhere. Whether you love them or hate them, the only thing that matters is what you do with them.

Earning a high-quality link from a popular website is no secret when it comes to getting the attention of Professor Google.

Since the birth of Google, people have devised hundreds of ways to get a link. There is an ethical way and a not-so-ethical way to do so. The black hat SEO might be in the short run, but it will eventually get you blacklisted. The right approach -white hat SEO- will give you a firm hold on Google search results.

What is Natural Link Building?

Natural link building is attracting links without investing any energy or time. The links are generated naturally by guest posting or incorporating user-generated content.

The core idea behind generating natural links is that the content on your website is so valuable that people cannot resist linking your website to their content.

The more natural links you’re able to accumulate, the stronger your position on the SERPs.

We would suggest combining both natural link building with current link building methods to double the impact.

Must-know Benefits of Natural Link Building

Traditional link building differs from natural link building.

With natural link building, you can improve your traffic, rank, and increased brand visibility.

  • Industry recognition: When you get your link mentioned in a famous publication, your brand visibility will increase.
  • Social shares: There is a direct relationship between the number of shares and content that attracts natural shares.
  • Building relationships: Using natural links can help you build relationships with industry experts.
  • Confidence: When you get traffic from natural links, you know that these are genuine people willing to read and take an interest in your brand.

So does one approach natural link building?

How can we glean those coveted link juice that will nourish your rankings to the top?

Let’s dive into six link building strategies that can help you turn the wheels and drive you to the top in a natural way.

1: Content Marketing


The foundation of strong link building starts with creating content worth sharing.

The traditional link building demands links from guest posts and blog comments. The natural link building doesn’t work like that.

Building evergreen content is a sure-shot way to attract links from high-quality backlink websites.

If your content is regularly providing value, it becomes evident that people and high-authority websites will take note.

2: Social Media Platforms

Social Media Platforms To Link Building

Your personal social media profiles provide a grand opportunity to share links to your website without costing you anything.

Twitter gives you two fields to add a link. (In bio and website section). On Instagram, you can add a link to the profile. While on LinkedIn you have the option to add three links.

Besides all of this, social media will help you to get your content in front of more people.

If your content is relevant and engaging that your audience would love to share, then this will result in attracting tons of natural links.

3: Taking Aid from Resource Pages

Resource pages are evergreen pages that provide high value to the customers. These are the pages that contain PDFs, downloadable content, tips and tools, interviews, and third-party links that offer valuable content. The good thing about these pages is that people visit these pages more often.

At times some websites limit their resource pages for themselves. However, if you can convince the website owner to post your link on the resource page, it would give your website’s ranking a boost on Google.

People looking for answers to their problems often land on these pages. And if they find your content useful, then they will share it further directing more relevant traffic and link juice to your website.

4: Quora


A question-and-answer website that shares knowledge and gives answers to questions asked by people, with traffic of more than 200,000+ unique visitors per month.

To gain natural links from Quora, the key is to provide value. Bloggers use Quora to drop their links whenever they get a chance.

Find a question that relates to your product/service/brand and while providing a valuable answer, subtly direct the reader to your site to explore your offerings.

5: Ebooks


Is an excellent writer on your team? If yes, ask them to write an industry-leading ebook to get some natural links.

An ebook is personal, and if you do it the right way, then your audience will start considering you an expert in your domain giving you authority over other websites.

Once you’ve crafted a highly valuable ebook, you can then intelligently place links to articles, and landing pages of your products and services via hyperlinking text and CTAs.

6: Reddit

Reddit Link Building

Reddit is not just for r/gaming, r/showerthoughts, and r/dankmemes. There are plenty of things that you can do on Reddit. For instance, you can use Reddit to answer questions or share knowledge.

Create an account as a simple user and start answering questions that are related to the industry of your business.

Subscribe to subreddits that are related to your industry. Answer questions that build your karma and share value. Occasionally, drop a link that helps users and at the same time helps other businesses.

If other Redditors like what you have to say, and if your linked content is of interest to them, they may decide to share it elsewhere or even link to it in a future article.


Not all link building activities involve guest posting, cold emails, and reaching out to websites.

If you provide enough value, you will attract links naturally.

However, nothing works if you don’t make enough effort.

That’s why it is recommended to combine natural link building methods with your current link building strategy. Only then you can attract links from multiple sources and increase your chances of getting your content circulated online.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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