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8 New Year’s Social Media Marketing Ideas for Startups

New Year's Social Media Marketing Ideas for Startups

The holiday season and New Year is that time of the year when businesses of all types and sizes put their best efforts into creating amazing marketing campaigns to delight their target audience. In this digital era, where every brand is offering discounts and promotions, delighting your fans and followers is easier said than done. With the help of some creative social media marketing campaigns. You can fuel your branding efforts and provide your existing and potential customers with something of value.

For startups and small businesses, coming up with some killer marketing ideas to reach new markets, build brand awareness, and boost sales can be tough. You can help your startup or SMB stand out from hundreds of thousands of brands by simply following some creative new year social media marketing ideas for 2021.

If you haven’t planned something for the New Year, don’t worry, it’s not too late. Here are some amazing New Year social media marketing ideas that will spice up your brand’s feed and boost your business.

8 Amazing New Year Social Media Marketing Ideas

Let’s check them out.

1.       New Year Giveaway

Image Courtesy:@merakisalonandco

Giveaways are an amazing way to skyrocket user engagement, and brand awareness, and increase your brand reach. New Year is the right time to run a giveaway and encourage your audience to take action to get a freebie. For instance, you can run contests and ask people to share their images using your products, share some funny quotes, write a testimonial, or anything that can increase user engagement.

Make sure the prize is worthwhile so more and more audiences will participate to win the free stuff. The more users engage with your post, the higher the chances of reaching new users and growing your following base.

2.       Share Your New Year’s Resolutions with Your Audience

Create your New Year’s resolutions and share them with your social media fans. Ask your fans and followers to share their New Year plans and goals with you. It is an amazing way to engage your audience and help them feel more connected to you. You can share your plans on how you will be moving your startup forward and encourage your audience to send in their own resolutions to foster a sense of community by sharing their stories on your social media feed.

3.       Share Festive-Themed Content

Celebrate New Year with your audience by encouraging them to share their holiday activities and images. Believe it or not, user-generated content is an effective way to promote your products and services. Though it won’t drive too much traffic to your website or bring more sales. It clearly shows that people are satisfied with your brand and quality products.

So, if you want to strengthen your relationship with your existing and potential customers. You can start retweeting and uploading images and posts in which your brand or products are mentioned.

Retweeting or reposting brand-related content from fans and replying to their questions is an effective way to show your social media audience. You really care about what your fans and followers say about your brand.  

4.       Use Stories to Promote Your New Year Offer

The holiday season and New Year are the best time to offer a special discount and exclusive coupon codes. You can make the most out of your Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories to share your New Year discount deal or coupon code with your followers. While your holiday coupons may have expired, some customers are still waiting for the New Year’s Day sale.

It is a great time to attract those customers by offering flash sales to clear your holiday inventory. You can give out exclusive discount coupons to your customers to increase your chances of getting more conversions and sales.

5.       Launch New Products

In this competitive business world, the timing of your business launch matters a lot. If your startup wants to grow in 2021 and ahead, then launch a new product on New Year’s Eve. This is one of the best social media marketing tactics that can give you the desired results. People are already in a generous mood, and if your product meets their needs, they will definitely try your product.

6.       Host a Live Campaign

There is no denying the fact that live video is one of the most engaging types of content that marketers are using to garner the attention of their fans and followers. Your brand can also make the most out of this cutting-edge social media trend by going live on Instagram or Facebook.

You can describe your product’s unique features, conduct a live interview, hold a question and answer session, announce an exclusive discount on your service, or do anything interesting that your audience finds interesting for the New Year. The real-time interaction of your live video will improve your social media marketing efforts, engage your audience, and drive interest in your brand.

7.  Send a Handwritten Note

Sending a hand-written customer thank you note, along with a customized holiday package is an amazing way to appreciate your customers and encourage them to return and recommend your brand on social media. When your loyal customers talk about your brand on social media and share the pictures of the thank you note and the special New Year package. It will serve as social proof that you can share on your social media feed. In short, a thank you note is a proven way to earn your customers’ loyalty and get an authentic customer review that you can post on your social media and website.

8. Use Trending Topics and Hashtags

Brands can use hashtags to foster and build highly engaged and loyal communities of brand advocates and followers. You can ask your followers to post about your brand or encourage them to participate in contests by using branded hashtags or uploading images on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with branded and trending hashtags.

A Brief Recap

Social media is undoubtedly an amazing place that allows you to promote your products or services to a wider audience. And the New Year is the right time to do so. You can use these killer New Year social media marketing ideas to excite your customers about your small business in 2021 and ahead. These social media marketing ideas, if implemented right, can increase your sales and brand awareness.

Happy New Year!

Mohammad Ali

Mohammad Ali is an experienced digital marketer and a search engine marketing specialist who is currently associated with Branex, as senior digital marketer and brand strategist.

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