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5 Ways to Turn Instagram into a Lead Generation Machine

Instagram has proven itself to be an effective channel for attracting potential customers, creating brand awareness and generating sales. Boasting over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram has now become the perfect tool for generating qualified leads.

Today many businesses, no matter B2B or B2C, are using Instagram to reach out to a wider audience to convey their brand message and generate new leads. If truth be told, it is significantly more engaging than any other social media tool, making it an incredible place to invest you lead generation efforts.

But the question remains; how to attract new customers and drive highly-qualified leads from Instagram. If you want to tap into the true potential of Instagram, here are some amazing and result-driven lead generation strategies that will surely help you promote your brand and drive more leads.

1. Humanization is the Key

Reveal the human side of your brand since people come to this channel to see genuine content and real stories. They don’t take well to brands that pitch them sales messaging on Instagram. If you are a beauty brand, your followers don’t want artfully crafted imagery of your beauty products. Instead, you can allure users by sharing makeup tutorials and useful tips that they find helpful. If you are a home-store, your followers don’t want professionally captured pictures of home furnishing products; they want to garner a sneak-peek of the way your products are manufactured or how they adapt to various settings.

Instagram gives you the complete freedom to incorporate a more personalized touch in your brand by posting real content to cultivate genuine brand relationships. By humanizing your brand, you can earn the trust of your prospects and turn them into leads. It also helps you win loyal customers and followers. Rather than only post about your products, use this social media tool to nurture a long-lasting and trustworthy relationship with your target audience.

Let’s take a look at Lego.

The famous brand shares entertaining content to capture the attention of their audience. Besides sharing entertaining and impressive posts, they use the platform to announce the launch of their upcoming Lego characters.

Lego shares the Royal Wedding craze with their brand style animation of the bride and groom.

Whether you share entraining posts, your brand story or behind-the-scenes actions, your ultimate goal should be to let your followers know that there are real people backing your brand so that you build genuine interactions with your followers.

2. Post Content Strategically

Well, there is no standard formula that defines how much content you should post each day. According to the Union Metrics, brands post 1.5 times per day. If you want to post two images, it is advised to wait at least for three to four hours between posts. If you want to earn the trust of your followers, be authentic, don’t try to spam your followers by posting back-to-back posts.

However, the best frequency to post on Instagram is totally dependent on your brand’s goals and your followers.

WeWork is doing a great job of engaging their followers by following a frequent and consistent posting schedule. They share engaging, appealing and promotional posts 2-3 times per day, without cluttering their followers’ feeds.

3. Share Real Stories

One of the best ways to create brand credibility and build trust is to share real fan stories. This way, you not only attract more and new followers but also turn them into loyal customers. Use your Instagram account to share success stories of your existing customers and how your services or products made their life easier.


Sephora, the famous beauty brand is doing an excellent job of showing their brand personality by using vibrant colors, patterns, funny captions, and video content. They share stories of real Sephora makeup users to gain the trust of their audience. In this video, they are promoting their hashtag #lipstories by featuring a loyal user.

4.  Use Clickable Links

You can use Instagram to nurture leads. Get as creative as you can to come up with a clever Instagram post that gets users to the particular landing page, product page or blog. You can create an interesting story and ask users to swipe up to get an offer. A simple finger movement can take users from your dedicated Instagram page to your website.

StandardWines strategically uses the swipe up CTA to persuade users to click on the link.

5. Go Live

Today, consumers want to see more video content. You can tap into the power of Instagram Live feature to attract more and new followers and create a sense of urgency among them. Use this tool strategically to increase your fanbase and personalize your brand. You can use live video to launch new products, show product tutorials, announce limited time offers, live events and behind the scenes.

Loft is doing a great job of capturing the interest of their followers by consistently updating their story and going live.

The Final Say

So, you can use Instagram strategically to entice your target audience, earn their trust and convince them to take the desired action. By building personalized interactions and showing the human side of your brand, you can turn your prospects into loyal customers. The above-cited tactics will definitely help you generate quality leads and eventually more profit.

Macy Lambert

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