Branex - International


Retargeting Gone Wrong? 4 Ridiculously Effective Ways to Elude Ad Fatigue

We are living in a digital era where nearly every internet user is bombarded with a deluge of ads; be it a pop-up to “get 50% off on women’s clothing” or “get a free consultancy” that keeps appearing when you are reading a blog or browsing through your favorite website. And the worst part is that these creepy ads with the same pretentious displays, stalk you at every step of your digital journey and force you to buy a product even if you are not interested in the brand.

Ad fatigue or seeing the same ad a hundred times over, occurs when you promote the same ad to the same group of people over and over again. Eventually, your audience gets bored with these creepy ads and stops paying attention to your brand. Ad fatigue can also happen due to high ad frequency. Besides being a nuisance, high ad frequency can seriously hurt the effectiveness of your retargeting campaigns.

Whether your retargeting campaign is running on Google or Facebook, fortunately, there are some effective ways to prevent ad fatigue and improve the performance of your campaign. In this blog, I’ll show you some insanely effective ways to beat the banner blindness and ensure that you are not exhausting your audience.

1. Use Eye-Catching Visuals

One of the best ways to overcome ad fatigue and give your ads a reviving look is to change the visuals. Because when your audience is exposed to the same ads repetitively, they stop noticing them. However, changing visuals and background can do wonders. By simply making some minor tweaks, such as color alterations, swapping out the background image, changing the position of the CTA, can change the entire look of the ad, helping you restore the declining CTR of the campaign.

It is advised to refresh your ad display every few days to make your ads less irritating. To make your ads appear more authentic, you can use images of your customers or client-provided data to bring a sense of realism. So, change the visuals of your ad, replace an outdated, over-used background image with a fresh one to give your ad a fresh look that will surely grab the attention of your previously weary audience.

By making some minor changes in your ad copy, you can elude banner blindness.

Have a look at this example.

2. Change Your Value Proposition

It is another effective way to reduce ad fatigue and persuade users to click on your ad. You can keep tweaking the value proposition in line with the evolving needs and desires of your customers. Use A/B testing to come up with an offer that works best for your audience. Special discounts and limited time offer can capture the users’ eye and persuade them to click on your ad.

Using different value offers in your ads can help you fight the ad fatigue while keeping users hooked to your offer.

3. Rotate Your Ads

Seeing the same ad over and over in a fleeting period of time can be really exasperating. When your analytics reveal a plummeting CTR and your ads start losing efficacy, consider rotating the ads and replace them with a different version. You can create as many versions of your ads as possible.

Shopify did a great job and use a variety of ad visuals to attract users to their ad.

It is suggested to rotate your ads weekly, however, according to some experts, rotating every few days can create positive results. Make sure you keep the individual ad frequency low.

Use the Ad scheduling feature of Facebook Ad Manager and create your own schedule to deliver a different ad to your audience every day. If people see an ad only once a week, chances are they won’t get bored and annoyed. Don’t forget to place different ad visuals into separate ad groups.

4. Rotate Your Audience

If you are showing the same ads to everyone, chances are your audience will quickly get bored. Rotating your target audience is another sensible decision to serve each group of people fresh ads. Targeting a specific group of audience can greatly increase your CTR while keeping away the ad fatigue.

In order to rotate between your audience, break down your current audience into different small groups and set up a rotation schedule by changing the audience of each group after a few days.

Keep in mind, the audience rotating technique is a smart trick that works best if you have a wider audience and each group has specific interests, desires and needs that differentiate them as a separate group.

In Closing

All in all, retargeting campaigns are a great way to create brand awareness, but ad fatigue could be an alarming sign within your sales funnel. If your retargeting campaign is suffering from ad fatigue and not producing the desired results, following the above-cited tips and tricks can help you fight audience saturation for ads. By invigorating your ad display, using creative visuals, keeping ad frequency low, changing value proposition, rotating your ads and audiences, you can improve the performance of your ad campaigns and fight ad fatigue.


Macy Lambert

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