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5 Data Trends that will Define Digital Marketing Strategies for the year 2018 and beyond

“As every entrepreneur and investor sifts through year-end data to predict the next trend or opportunity for financial success, there is a much easier way of accurately predicting the future: hang out with those who are creating it.”–Jay Samit – Author and Digital Media Innovator.

The above quote perfectly embodies the dilemma that each digital marketer or everybody operating their own business go through as the curtains fall on yet another year. 2017 is pirouetting on the brink now and over the year, we have witnessed our fair share of quite a few interesting developments in data trends. Social media websites tried every trick in the book to woo people towards their specific websites and offered new and exciting features. Let me offer you a quick sneak-peak back into the year that is crawling by:

  • Twitter tried hard to grow its user base but in vain as Facebook led the way.
  • Twitter even introduced the 280 characters tweet but that only served to enraged-hard Twitter fans.
  • LinkedIn made major inroads in making sure they are a force to reckon with, especially by garnering a place in the Microsoft family.

Now as we drag through the last few remnants of 2017, we need to set our sights on what’s in store for us in the year to come. If you’re a brand builder aspiring to ace your marketing plan for the encroaching year, it is crucial to get to grip with the projected data trends. A clearer picture is beginning to emerge when it comes to predicting the hottest data trends for 2018. Following are 5 such trends that brands across the globe need to pay heed to, to make sure that their marketing plans are in top-notch shape.

  1. Real-Time Data

Real-time data will probably ride the waves of popularity for companies worldwide. Marketing honchos and business owners together need to make adjustments in real time to get the better of their rival firms. To achieve a better ROI, this is going to be a crucial factor for businesses to discover real-time data analytics tools and apply them to fruitful results.

          2. Artificial Intelligence

In the coming year, the combination of artificial intelligence and data analysis will be a lethal one, to say the least. With the integration of AI technology into various data analysis platforms, digital marketing agencies can now truly leverage the power of AI for maximizing their marketing ROI.

  1. Predictive Analysis

Once AI and machine learning start leading the way in 2018, predictive analysis will also bask in the limelight. It will primarily be used by companies to understand patterns in their data and subsequently make business decisions based on those pattern analysis. Businesses are sure to see a steady rise in many types of predictive analytics like Geo-Location and HR, among a plethora of others.

  1. Data Visualization

Another vital factor that is going to be huge in marketing will be a data visualization. Business owners no longer need to scratch their heads in bewilderment as they can use visual data offered as a service by companies adept in it. This is surely poised to be a major game changer for companies around the world.

  1. Distributed/Blockchain

Distributed/blockchain analytical options will be a major factor for businesses as customers are increasingly looking for transparency in their operations and service standards. This push for transparency will make way for data analytics to take center stage. With the recent astronomical rise in the blockchain sector, analytics tool in this concern will give companies an option to share their stats with their customers and ensure complete transparency in every aspect.

Final Thought

The above-mentioned data trends are poised to revolutionize the way businesses are managing their digital marketing and taking care of critical data. I am sure that with a better awareness of these trends, you will be better prepared to tackle any problem in this concern.

Please take some time out to give your valuable feedback concerning this blog in the comments section below.

Chris Stone

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