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Devise a Marketing Plan in 6 Easy Steps to Succeed in 2018

Young and aspiring entrepreneurs make sure they come up with a business plan which is free of any error. They deem this the most important factor for their success for their startup/SME. Although marketing and sales plan are part of an overall comprehensive business plan, today’s fierce marketplace calls for further emphasis on the marketing plan.

Marketing plan is just as critical as a business plan. Through a well-thought out and crafted marketing plan, a company can focus on winning and keeping the customers, the strategies involved, facts and figures and objectives. To achieve the sales goals, a taut marketing plan is a necessity. Think of it as your plan of action; what you are selling, who is your target audience and the tactics involved in generating leads for completing the sales process.

Many people have the misconception that a marketing plan is a lengthy piece of document and need to be written in a cheesy way to attract customers. The reality is there are few simple steps that involve a marketing plan and there is no need for a bulky document.

2018 is just around the corner and companies, both seasoned players in the market and new entrants, have to rethink their strategies. The following Infographic is all about creating a marketing plan in 6 easy steps so that you can devise a strategy to make 2018 the most successful year for your venture.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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