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8 Best Startup Websites and what makes them special

Every soul in this world has a higher purpose. Birth is a wondrous experience. You open your eyes to a world rife with opportunities for the taking. You can become anything. For some people, it happens in an instant. Their life’s purpose unfolds right in front of them, but for others, it takes a lifetime to understand why they were born.

If your startup is in its infancy, you might be facing something familiar. Instead of understanding your life purpose, you are struggling to find your brand purpose. If you’re one of those brands that don’t have a direction yet, here are some startup websites which can provide you with some food for thought.

  1. – Simple is better

Knowledge lies in piling up facts. Wisdom is the elimination of all clutter. is all about simplicity. The first glance at the website will be enough to safely venture a guess at what the company is selling. On the front page of the website, you realize that it is solving a real-life problem. If you scroll down, you will see how the product works. Next, comes how to think about anxiety and stress. Moreover, in the end, there are testimonials with a call to action.

2) – Selling something unique is a ticket-selling website with a distinctive feature. Not only does it offer the most market competitive ticket prices, it gives you a bird’s eye view of the seat based on crowdsourced reviews, ratings, and photos of a plethora of concert and sports avenues. This makes sure that our customers make an informed choice based on a particular seat’s rating and reviews by actual users.

3) – UI/UX Design

Much has been said about UI/UX Design. If you are looking for some solid inspiration, visit The startup helps other startups boost their website traffic. However, their prominent feature is the clean, sleek interface of the website. Decent navigation, bulging CTAs, and giving out comprehensive information without too much scrolling, makes this website a prime example of the perfect UI/UX design.

The chatbox is easy to locate. Reviews can be found right at the bottom. GrooveJar offers everything that a startup website design has to offer. Take note.

4) – The Perfect Mobile First website

There is much buzz about mobile first websites. In the midst of all this, makes a brilliant effort to design the perfect mobile-first website. The website is not at all complex. The Accelerated Mobile Pages allows the website to load immediately. A perfect example of a startup website design where users can log in and join in the discussions without going over lengthy registration steps.

5) – Mobile Loading Speed

Google Speed Update made it clear that Google is forcing brands to decrease their bounce rate by developing mobile-optimized websites. took this seriously and started working on the loading speed of the website on mobile.  The website is optimized in a way that users don’t have to download any app or wait for the website to load in the mobile. The load time is super-fast. The one-click checkout helps customers place an order seamlessly. The responsive website works on all primary mobile devices and fits across all screen sizes.

6) – Privacy and Payment Options

If there are a few things that a startup website capitalize on, it is payment options and privacy policy. Other trends include AI and machine learning. Some of the payment methods include complex AI algorithms which simplify processing and make it easier to pay fast. This website teaches a lot. Also, there are some components of IoT to support the simple dashboard.

7) – Grist for the mill ecommerce website

The best startup websites provide convenience and simplicity to users. takes this approach to the next-best level. You can talk all about white-spacing and how-to optimize the website design to show quality work without sacrificing the caliber of the website. A clean ecommerce design which can teach a lot about how ecommerce stores can use the power of minimalism to sell products online.

The website offers perfect examples in its blog for entrepreneurs to apply across their business. How to send emails that entice customers? Moreover, how to scale business on a global scale?

8) – A Clear Value Proposition

Some brands do website redesign and fail miserably. However, if the website re-design is well-planned, the sky is the limit to what it can achieve. OpenListings just had a website revamp, and boy oh boy, the redesign turned out to be justified for the brand. The website sends a clear message on how to place the value proposition on a website which generates massive leads.  It is a modest and prevailing rubric to follow for other startups.

Over to you

As you might have noticed, best startup websites don’t just rely on website design. They meticulously focus on the design and development of the website. For clear-cut advice, it is best to take help from experts. Whatever industry you belong to, you’ll learn what is the best strategy to take your brand forward.

Are you looking forward to a professional website agency to take all your worries away? Why not give us a try? Ask questions. Share your concerns. I am sure we can come up with innovative ways to highlight your website on Google search result pages.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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