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4 Restaurant Marketing Tips You Must Follow in this Competitive World

restaurant marketing tips

As per the year 2016, more than 25% of the people owned at least one restaurant app installed on their phone. In a survey, it was concluded that 85% of the people

As per a 2016 Adweek survey, 25% of people have at least one restaurant app on their phone. As per another survey, 85% of those who search for food on their mobile phones go on to complete a purchase.

Mostly, customers don’t just stop searching for the restaurant and forgetting it. These days customers are buying everything online. Give them a delicious experience, and you’ll get a boost in your restaurant marketing.

The modern-day consumers don’t just click on the pictures and leave the website. They take this liberty; in fact, they consider it their social responsibility to share any food that looks delicious to them from WhatsApp to Facebook and Facebook groups.

It doesn’t matter if your restaurant is online or not. If your restaurant marketing is not clear, it will give your customers a chance to share any reviews online.

To survive and flourish in today’s market, you must focus on an online strategic strategy to build, amplify, and drive customer engagement globally across your target customers.

So, here we outline some restaurant marketing ideas and strategies that will help you come up with a restaurant marketing plan that will lead to a higher chance of success.

Marketing Tips for Restaurant

What to do when you cannot see a way beyond what is in front of your eyes. You stand on something higher. This is what you need to do. One of the simplest ways to market your restaurant is to list your restaurant in Yelp or Zomato. These platforms with more than a million visitors every month have the potential to scale your restaurant name.

The core idea is to grab the attention of your audience where they are already present. Platforms like Yelp and Zomato will help you to reach your target audience faster.

  • Learn the Essentials of SEO

Do you know that the keyword ‘restaurants near me’ gives 1,180,000, results on Google?

This fact alone gives you the importance of learning a thing or two about SEO.

Here are some tips which can increase the strength of your brand and make it rise high in the Google search result pages.

Homepage Title: Ensure that your title is complete. For example, on your homepage follow the following format, ‘Double D’s Pizzeria – St. Louis, 13150.’

Google Business: List your business on Google Business. Adding your restaurant business to the Google directory will maximize your chances of getting recognized in the local directories of Google.

Match both addresses: You must ensure that the address on your website and the address that you’ve submitted on Google Maps are the same.

Dedicated pages for specific items: You’re running a restaurant business. The only way you can make a new customer trust you is to list every tiny detail of the product that you’re referring to. If there are customer experiences, you must share them. Your customer wants to know the description of specific items.

Connect with websites that serve the same target audience: If you have some brands which are located near your business, you can consider doing cross-promotion with those brands.

There are many things which you can do other than these tips. You can make a blog and publish items which are related to food. It would help if you justified the ROI of your brand by taking adequate steps to strengthen your SEO.

  • Don’t Ignore Feedback from Customers, Handle Them

It is said that 92% of customers check and read online reviews before purchasing anything. In restaurant marketing feedback from customers should be your top priority. What are the customers talking about? The angry customers might not share everything because they are busy being angry. You, on the other hand, must listen to those customers and understand between the lines.

When you listen to a problem, don’t just hear or note down that problem. They are looking for some solution, not just some sympathy. Listen to what is troubling them and solve their problem or give them the exact time when their issue will be resolved.

The good thing or bad thing about restaurant marketing is that everything is on social media. There are Facebook groups dedicated to food reviews, and if the customers share their concerns, people listen to them. Keep your reputation clear.

  • Go for the Website

A website is a digital representation of your brand. People see your site and make the perception of your brand. A professional digital transformation company will help you develop a website that can help your restaurant reach more customers.

A website will give you a boost to restaurant marketing. It can highlight your restaurant culture to your new customers. However, don’t just develop a site just because everyone is doing it. Develop a website to build trust in the eyes of customers. When customers see videos, testimonials, and professional product photos, it will be easy for customers to enjoy a luxurious, unique experience even before they visit your restaurant.

Mohammad Ali

Mohammad Ali is an experienced digital marketer and a search engine marketing specialist who is currently associated with Branex, as senior digital marketer and brand strategist.

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