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Creating Stellar“About Us” Pages for a Riveting First Hand-shake

stellar about us page

What is the typical action of a marketing personnel when he goes up to a prospect? He introduces him self. Without a customary preamble, it is almost impossible to make a prospect even listen to what he has to offer, regardless of whether the product is of any value to them or not?

In thisdigital era, the interaction between a website and a visitor takes on similar semantics. The internet is repletewith opportunities in the form of online surfers who are looking for something they are interested in. However, when a visitor lands on your website, where do they turn to, to know more about your company and ascertain whether you are the perfect fit for their needs?

If your answer is the “About us” page, you are correct. Your about us page is arguably the first point of contact that conveys core business information to the prospect. The about us page is among the most visited pages on any website and plays an important role in piquingthe interest of the online visitor to stay on yourwebsite and browse further to satisfy their quest of information gathering.

In addition to the design of your business website, your about us page acts as the surrogate voice of your business and leaves that one great impression on your visitors. Not only does the about us page provide vital business information, it also fosterscredibility that is crucially required to finalize the purchasing decision of your customer. Your about us page is the one area of your business website where you actually have a chance to tell your story – what your business is all about, who you are, and what puts you a notch above your competitors. Your about us page gives you an opportunity to enchant a visitor and keep them riveted to your website.

If your about us page has been collecting virtual dust because you haven’t bothered to tweak it since you first wrote it off-after all, you always thought that an about page is just a needless and pointless addition, droning on about things nobody cared to read about-, here’s how you can make your about us page resonate with your users, make them trust your business, and nurture long-lasting relations with your customers:

Get the message across

The core reason for the existence of any about us page is to inform and educate the online visitor about the value that a brand can offer to them. Anything else feels use less if the main purpose is not served at a glance. The customer specifically came to the page to know who you are and this should be communicated without beating around the bush.

Deliver what is required

The requirements of customers can be as unique as them. Some may want to know about the services that a business provides while others may be interested to know about the staff members that a business has. Your about us page should be tactfully put together using the right visuals and content to create a mix that satisfies every customer requirement.

Provide proof of authenticity

A great about us page is one that embodies authenticity within itself as the online visitor reads through it. Customer testimonials, awards and honors received, and brand mentions upon any other onlineforums validate your authenticity, thus allowing the customer to take action in a relaxed and satisfied state of mind.

Inspire with facts

Whenever you are creating content for an about us page, make sure not to repeat what you have already conveyed on your home page or any other page for that matter. Anything redundant will only serve to bore your user, and make it feel like you are boasting your brand story. Therefore, instead of going verbose, try putting in some figures that your readers can correlate with and which can create the much needed interest boost. For example, mentioning that your product helped your client in acquiring xyz % of sales would be a smarter move towards instilling persuasion in the content of your about us page.

Try building a connection

Connecting with other people and networking is one of the key human behaviors. And this important behavior is mostly overlooked when creating content for about us pages. The innate desire of humans to connect with each other contributed to the unprecedented success of social media. Your thought process should follow along similar lines as you create an about us page. Will your visitor be able to connect with you on a personal level by reading this page? You should be asking yourself this question while creating an about us page for your business.

To help business owners prevent their prospects from dozing off on their about us pages, here are some impeccable examples of about us pages that are worth discussing:

Chebuono foods

about us


luciana basile lewis

Every brand is unique in its existence. And this should be communicated to your online visitor through the content and visuals on your about us page. Chebuono Foods nailed the opportunity by creatively distributing their about us page into segments, each of which conveys a vital message to the reader. Starting from a creative introduction of the business, the page informs the users about the reason of its existence and then introduces the reader with its founders. I found the page an overall great use of the space.


Fueled home page design


fueled collective

Fueled is a renowned mobile application development company in USA and they have invested a lot of time and energy into creating an about us page that serves all the right purposes. It kicks off by introducing their people,not by their names but by their traits, followed by a brief about their service offerings and what drives their business forward. The page also talks about the working philosophy of fueled that could entice clients and other app agencies who would like to work with them or separately at their co-working space. The page distills down to a mention of its most influential clients and awards that the agency has bagged to date.


making the web better

Moz is a globally famed search engine optimization company that claims a very popular blog and some great SEO services under its belt. The company came into inception to drive more traffic towards websites of other businesses, thus helping them create a more lucrative business space. Their about us page is a treat for the eyes,Incorporating a creative header that perfectly depicts their overall reason of existence, followed by an attention-grabbing brand story. However, the most interesting part of the page remains the graphical time line that represents how the company evolved through time. The timeline dates back to the beginning of the company and highlights the achievements that it has mastered as it grew bigger and stronger. This about us page is one of my favorites as it pin points all the right elements in the most appropriate way. With a strong narrative and visuals that support the overall aim of producing the about us page, this page is definitely one that other business owners must look up to as an inspiration.


we're hubspot

sucess with your hubspots

product with a personal

“It was time to make the marketing and sales process human. Time to treat buyers like people, not numbers on a spreadsheet. Time to build an inbound community and help people achieve their business goals in a more personable, empathetic way.We called it, HubSpot.”

Probably the best about us page description that I have ever witnessed in ages. HubSpot offers a full stack of software for marketing, sales, and customer success processes, with a completely free CRM at its core. They’re powerful alone — but utterly invincible when used together.

Hubspot has definitely taken an off-the-shelf approach for this page development and has incorporated vital essence of the brand in it. By describing their products and services in an unconventional way, they hinted atthe uniqueness that they can offer to a business. With eachsection of the page communicating information that it was intended to, I would definitely rate this about us page among the best.

There can be various approaches of creating an about us page. It can be formal or totally creative, depending on the offering of the business. Every brand has a different personality and the about us page must extend it to the target audience effectively. For more ideas on how you can create an effective about us page for your business, you can get in touch with a professional branding agency in United States.

Chris Stone

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