Branex - International


Flipboard For Business: How Small Businesses Can Use Flipboard To Grow Their Brand

Flipboard For Business

Internet is loaded with clutter everywhere you look at it. Whether it is search engine or social media, you can come across dozens of irrelevant articles that overwhelms you daily. As a business, you don’t want your business to face similar challenges. If so, then your business should use Flipboard.

Flipboard is a content aggregation, social media and news app rolled into one app. It let you curate and aggregate content from wide variety of sources, giving you an opportunity to share it with like minded people and stay on top of news. From a business perspective, it offers them a great platform to present their content in the form of visually appealing custom magazines.

Here is an infographic that shows you how you can use Flipboard for business and grow your brand.

Flipboard For Business

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Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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