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Why Mobile Apps Are Important in the Healthcare Business in 2020?

Healthcare mobile app

Can you believe that 40% of doctors think that a mobile app can reduce the number of visits to a clinic? In the same study, 93% of the physicians believe that healthcare mobile apps can improve patient’s health.

Quite frankly, mobile apps are already helping people to educate themselves and make better medical decisions. Mobile apps are starting to do a favor to the patient and will change the future of the healthcare industry in 2020.

If you are still waiting for a tooth fairy (unless it is Dwayne Johnson) to push you to create a mobile app for your healthcare business, it can be concluded that you’re living in a cave.

If you are a visionary, you can see the potential of medical apps that are already pouring in, and how the patients are interacting with their doctors, giving them better control over their medical decisions.

As a business, you must innovate and grow fast with maximum impact. And having a healthcare mobile app for your business in 2020 is undoubtedly one way to do it. 

Let us explore some of the reasons why a mobile application is essential for your business growth in 2020.

A medical app can do the following for your healthcare business:

  • Improved Doctor-Patient relationship
  • Increase your Customer reach
  • Improve Customer Experience
  • Will open the door to technical possibilities 
  • Increase Profits

Improved Doctor-Patient Relationship       


Imagine waking up tomorrow morning with a worrisome ailment. Your next move will be to call your primary physician and ask for an urgent appointment. If the problem is something serious, he will refer you to a specialist.

As a healthcare company, this is your opportunity to provide convenience to the patient. With a professional healthcare mobile app, you can ease the customer by giving them the ability to consult with their physician without even leaving their bed.

The app will manage everything for them. From reminding patients for an upcoming appointment to transferring your data into an email so that you can send them over to specialists.

It is observed that patients who record their info into apps are more honest and reliable than they do with an actual healthcare professional face-to-face. You can hire a professional custom mobile app development company to bridge the gap between patient and doctor and create an app that will add value to your healthcare business.

Increase Patient Reach

The key to the survival of any business is profit. Regardless of the vertical, if the company that you are in is not generating profits, then it is a matter of serious concern.

As per stats, 204 billion users downloaded games and apps in 2019, and the number is increasing with every coming second.

In the past, healthcare was limited by the location where people used to visit the health centers near their homes, but medical apps have broken that barrier. Now, users can access the app from anywhere and get prescriptions from anywhere in the world.

Generation Z is already spending a lot of time on their phones. So, it will be easy for those users to use an app and receive push notifications regarding their health.

Improve Patient Experience

Unless you are from Mars, it is hard to imagine a life without a smartphone. There are apps for everything. People of today are smart. They don’t want an app; they want an app with an excellent user interface, intuitive user experience, and seamless functionality.

With a mobile app, you’ll be able to give your customers a better customer experience. The patients will be able to access their information and check updates with their apps.

A good quality app will give the users a desirable user experience. And that experience can turn into a cult following. 

Will Open the Door to Technical Possibilities 

The smartphones of today provide a fantastic opportunity for the users to connect directly with the experts.

For instance, with a phone camera, an essential diagnosis can be made over the phone.  The GPS facility can suggest the closest expert near your place in case your patients need to consult an expert. Most of the apps take advantage of location and offer geo-location-based discounts. You can do the same by alerting your customers to make an appointment with a specialist near their home.

These are just a few examples that are the tip of the iceberg when you consider the Augmented Reality features that are being used by mobile apps.

Moreover, Android and iOS users get regular updates, which makes it possible to make the app bug-free. When you build an app for your business, it will give you an option to make continuous improvements in your app.

Boost Bottomline

When everything is done, you’ll be able to generate handsome profits out of your app. When you create value for the customer and deliver it in a package that provides convenience to them, they will hand you their wallet without even thinking twice.

A mobile app is the fastest way to bring value, and ease and make money out of potential customers. 

The mobile apps on the app store are rewarded if the app serves its purpose. The result will be an increased customer base and more revenue for your healthcare business.

A mobile application will allow reaching more customers, induce push notifications, and send information regarding the appointment of customers, and by presenting it seamlessly, you can even charge the users for the fantastic mobile app.


Apps have gradually become a necessity and can often be the reason why some businesses are more successful than others. Consider what features your customers need immediate access to and make it happen!

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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