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5 Deadly Sins Entrepreneurs Should Never Commit

Failure, for many new Entrepreneurs, is lethal. However, in the end, it is not about who failed or not, it is about who tried again & again right after they are left with nothing but hope.

Most of the Entrepreneurs want to duck failure if at all possible. Fear of failure is a powerful motivating force. However, the smart Entrepreneurs understand that failure is more than just a redirection, it is a retrospection of life. You might have failed dozens of times in life, but until you do not accept the failure from inside, you are still winning.

Running a start-up is not for the faint of heart. Moreover, the silver lining is, even if you fail at your first attempts at running a startup, research shows that you have a better chance at succeeding at a future start-up than those who have never failed.

The keys to success are not that hard, after all; do your research, align with the right people, stay consistent and provide more value than your customers expect.

“To be successful, know your limitations, understand what you are good at, and where you need help. Hire people that can contribute to improving areas of weakness, and that will complement your business.” Joe Speiser, the co-founder

At the end of the day, even if you encounter one of these start-up hurdles, it is not a mistake if you find a way to learn from it.

Mistakes are part of life, and there is a lot you can learn from your mistakes, but you should also know that there are some very deadly mistakes that can cripple your business and it is advised to avoid these mistakes as much as you can, this post will be talking about 5 Deadly Sins Entrepreneurs Should Never Commit.


Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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