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10 Stellar Re-engagement Email Marketing Ideas to Spruce up Your Next Campaign in 2018

email marketing ideas in 2018

A large number of emails hit your subscribers’ inboxes every day. In this highly fierce business world, brands can’t afford to lose interest in their subscribers. But if truth be told, on average, 25% of your email list will die off every year, and the trend is projected to carry over in the encroaching year. Therefore, email list retention should be a high priority for nearly every brand.

If your subscribers have stopped engaging but remain subscribed, they can damage your email engagement and deliverability rate. But creating effective re-engagement emails tailor-made for your inactive subscribers, can do wonders. If done right, re-engagement emails can reduce list churn rate and boost your email engagement rate. Re-engaging your inactive subscribers can help you maintain inbox placement rates for your emails.

If you are looking for some effective ways of reviving the flame with your inactive users who no longer respond to your emails but still remain subscribed, here are some stellar and creative email re-engagement examples to inspire your next email marketing campaign in 2018 to win back the interest of your inactive subscribes.

L.L.Bean has decided to incorporate a friendly tone in their emails to pique the curiosity of their inactive subscribers. While their dormant members may have missed a lot by not keeping up, the Email reassures them that they still have time to catch up. Considering that most people may not want to be bugged by a constant stream of Emails, they also offer their subscribers other ways of connecting with them, such as Twitter and Facebook. The wander-lust inducing picture in the Email also serves to create interest in their outdoor gear.

  • Urban Outfitters

This is another great example of a re-engagement email which shows a unique yet creative way of knowing your target audience. Urban Outfitters used a format that perfectly caters to a generation that loves texting.This way, the brand succeeded in capturing the attention of their readers. The format is easy to comprehend, and encourages their subscribers to read on and respond, as it perfectly suits their communication style.Phrases such as “come back” and “miss you” in the subject line can resonate with your audience and make them feel special.

  • Pinkberry

Email reengagement Pinkberry

Pinkberry came up with a creative idea of re-engaging their subscribers and incentivizing them by offering a free product, a sweet seduction to be sure. They used the term “miss you” to make their readers feel emotionally connected. After all, there’s nothing like a free froyo to say “welcome back bro”!

  • Grammarly


Grammarly used an interesting way to re-engage its inactive subscribers by giving them a badge called a “Wrinkle in Time badge”.The used a persuasive CTA button GO to encourage its users to click the button and use the service again. They also persuaded their readers to check their premium version and encouraged them to check the special price.

  • 9th & Elm

9th & Elm

The brand used a masterpiece in their subject line: “sometimes you just need a little space”. The understanding statement softens the hearts of the subscribers and makes them realize how approachable and considerate the sender can be. 9th and elm maintains an extremely polite tone when they ask their subscribers to take a decision: part ways without any strings attached or re-engage. This option is cleverly displayed at the end of the Email. This email preference reassures the subscribers that the decision of whether they want a future with the brand is entirely theirs and theirs alone.

  • Habitat

Habitat came up with a creative way to keep their email subscribers engaged and in the know at all times. They gave them an option to engage and encouraged them to connect on Facebook to stay abreast of their latest developments.

  • BirchBox


Who doesn’t love surprises? Surprises come with a lot of emotional baggage, ringing a distant bell and making us feel almost childlike again. Birch tree has beautifully leveraged this sentiment in their re-engagement email by providing their subscribers with two amazing options which they can garner at subscription. What a rewarding way to re-engage!

  • Feelunique

Feelunique tries to win back its inactive subscribers by giving them a plethora of exciting offers. They offer their subscribers a chance to join their VIP shopping club and avail 10% off on every product for a lifetime. For subscribers, it’s rather impossible to resist these exciting offers.

  • Lowe’s


Lowe’s sent a re-engagement email to capture the attention of their inactive subscribers by informing them that they have made some improvements in their products since they have been away.They have smartly highlighted how millions of satisfied members are using their services. They also incorporated social media buttons in the footer to create more engagement across multiple platforms as well.

  • Crocs

Crocss trives to win back their inactive subscribers by offering an exclusive discount of $10 on their next purchase. They have adorably humanized their brand with the “sniff sniff” micro copy. They tried to sway their subscribers by highlighting a message at the bottom of the copyper taining to their shoe donations, showing how they are bringing comfort to people in need.

Are You Ready to Win Back Your Inactive Subscribers?

Every brand that uses email marketing as an integral part of their digital marketing strategy should create an effective re-engagement email marketing strategy to revive their email subscriber listand engagewith their marketing content.

Come up with a unique and hard to resist approach to bring your old customers back and increase your chances of getting more leads and conversions. Try these innovative re-engagement email marketing ideas to bring your lapsed subscribers back into the pool of active customers and re-engage their interest in your brand through unique and fresh content.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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