Branex - International


Infographics – 6 eCommerce Shopping Cart Mistakes to Avoid in the year 2017

According to marketing research, a majority of customers (around 84%) abandon their shopping carts just before the purchase. This is not because the product is not worth it, its because there are mistakes in the shopping cart that are killing your conversion.

What is the ultimate goal of every online business? Generate leads right?

There are some key factors to which you need to pay attention. This includes having a persuasive landing page, a compelling story for your sales page. A creative web design agency that will create a smooth, frictionless, usability of the website, but one of the least process which is overlooked by every business owner is the check out process. Your shopping cart surely needs more attention than just like ant other section on your website.

Abandoning shopping carts is not unique to online shopping. Retail customers also do so, especially when lines are too long. However, if you want actually to sell goods online, you have to have all read this blog till the end.

I will not be the first informer to you that designing a streamlined checkout process is not easy. It requires a lot of clever coding, integration, and forethought. However, it is necessary if you want to boost sales and reduce shopping cart abandonment. You need to optimize your checkout process for conversions.

If you are still wondering why your sales are not improving, it is high time for you to have a look at your shopping cart. In this article, Branex will focus on 6 mistakes done by eCommerce site developers that can be disastrous for that brand.

eCommerce Shopping Cart Mistakes to Avoid

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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