Macy Lambert - Branex - International One Stop Brand Solutions Mon, 04 Mar 2024 12:40:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Macy Lambert - Branex - International 32 32 163655795 5 Results-Oriented Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Augment Your Revenue Fri, 02 Nov 2018 06:00:55 +0000 It’s no wonder that Black Friday can be an equally incredible opportunity for startups, small businesses, and established brands to get more customers and boost their revenue. In the chaos and carnage that ensue the epic four-day splurge, shoppers exuding the right spirit of blessed capitalism, seem to be running a shopping spree marathon. The cyber […]

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How to Use Facebook Debugger to Optimize Your WordPress Images for Facebook Fri, 26 Oct 2018 12:41:42 +0000 Sharing your content on Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to reach a wider audience and has been shown to boost brand awareness. But have you ever come across a situation where Facebook failed to display images in the right format on your WordPress site? If reminiscing such left a bad taste […]

The post How to Use Facebook Debugger to Optimize Your WordPress Images for Facebook first appeared on Branex - International.

Is Your Website Optimized for Mobile Devices? 5 Great Mobile Website Design Examples Thu, 25 Oct 2018 13:52:05 +0000 We live in a mobile-obsessed world where more than half the total global internet traffic comes from smart devices, which continue to skyrocket at an unrelenting pace. It is projected that there will be 6.1 billion global mobile phone users by 2020. With the advent of a massive numbers of smartphones and tablets, making your […]

The post Is Your Website Optimized for Mobile Devices? 5 Great Mobile Website Design Examples first appeared on Branex - International.

Google Plus Security Breach and Shut Down – What Does it Mean for Small Businesses? Fri, 12 Oct 2018 14:11:44 +0000 “Google is shutting down the consumer version of Google Plus. The service will be suspended over the next 10 months”. Google Plus, launched in 2011, is projected to shut down due to a security bug. The action was taken by the company when the confidential information of approximately half a million users was leaked. According […]

The post Google Plus Security Breach and Shut Down – What Does it Mean for Small Businesses? first appeared on Branex - International.

Retargeting Gone Wrong? 4 Ridiculously Effective Ways to Elude Ad Fatigue Thu, 27 Sep 2018 08:36:47 +0000 We are living in a digital era where nearly every internet user is bombarded with a deluge of ads; be it a pop-up to “get 50% off on women’s clothing” or “get a free consultancy” that keeps appearing when you are reading a blog or browsing through your favorite website. And the worst part is […]

The post Retargeting Gone Wrong? 4 Ridiculously Effective Ways to Elude Ad Fatigue first appeared on Branex - International.

Animation in Web Design – 6 Effective Ways to Breathe Life in Your Website Mon, 17 Sep 2018 12:17:09 +0000 Animation is not merely reserved for 3D movies and cartoons. It is popping up everywhere. In fact, motion and web animations have now become a common web design feature. From full-screen videos to background moving images, silly gifs to small hover effects, animation has now become a trendy and useful web design tool. In fact, […]

The post Animation in Web Design – 6 Effective Ways to Breathe Life in Your Website first appeared on Branex - International.

5 Ways to Turn Instagram into a Lead Generation Machine Mon, 10 Sep 2018 13:48:47 +0000 Instagram has proven itself to be an effective channel for attracting potential customers, creating brand awareness and generating sales. Boasting over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram has now become the perfect tool for generating qualified leads. Today many businesses, no matter B2B or B2C, are using Instagram to reach out to a wider audience […]

The post 5 Ways to Turn Instagram into a Lead Generation Machine first appeared on Branex - International.

Here’s How to Create an Outstanding Omnichannel User Experience – 5 Creative Examples Fri, 31 Aug 2018 14:59:48 +0000 Omnichannel… Are you coming up blank at the term? Okay, let me explain what omnichannel means. Omnichannel marketing is in essence a multi-channel sales approach that provides an integrated and cohesive shopping experience regardless of the channel the customer is using to reach out to your brand – be it desktop, a mobile device, by […]

The post Here’s How to Create an Outstanding Omnichannel User Experience – 5 Creative Examples first appeared on Branex - International.

No More Sad-Looking Contact Us Pages – 7 Elements That Can Spruce Up This Overlooked Element Of Your Website Fri, 17 Aug 2018 11:56:12 +0000 When it comes to creating a user-friendly and engaging website design, you probably think about fabricating a stellar homepage, an engaging about us page, a high-conversion landing page, and an informative blog to keep your audience riveted. But what about your contact us page? Yes, the very page that bridges the communication gap with your […]

The post No More Sad-Looking Contact Us Pages – 7 Elements That Can Spruce Up This Overlooked Element Of Your Website first appeared on Branex - International.

How Neuromarketing Techniques Help Brands Tap into the Consumer Behavior Fri, 10 Aug 2018 14:21:57 +0000 As the marketing world continues to transform in tandem with the cutting-edge advancements in technologies, tools, and platforms, neuromarketing has started playing an integral role. From established brands and midsize enterprises to small companies, brands are jumping on the neuromarketing bandwagon because of its efficacy in marketing and branding. Many brands are using neuromarketing as […]

The post How Neuromarketing Techniques Help Brands Tap into the Consumer Behavior first appeared on Branex - International.

Personalized Marketing – How Amazon, Cadbury, and Starbucks are Pure Bundles of Joy Fri, 03 Aug 2018 14:19:27 +0000 An internet user sees more than 1700 banner ads each month. Therefore, it’s no wonder that consumers get easily annoyed and end up snubbing these advertisements with a cold shoulder. In this highly fierce and oversaturated market, every brand is striving hard to stay ahead of the game when it comes to resonating with their […]

The post Personalized Marketing – How Amazon, Cadbury, and Starbucks are Pure Bundles of Joy first appeared on Branex - International.

How Can Beauty Brands Leverage Instagram to Sell Their Products – Highlighting 5 Creative Examples Mon, 30 Jul 2018 12:13:00 +0000 Indubitably, Instagram is a great tool for brands running the gamut of all sizes and natures, empowering businesses with an incredible opportunity to engage with their followers on an entirely new level. Beauty and fashion brands in particular are making the most of this amazing social media network and capitalizing on breathtaking imagery and creative […]

The post How Can Beauty Brands Leverage Instagram to Sell Their Products – Highlighting 5 Creative Examples first appeared on Branex - International.

IGTV – How Can Your Brand Leverage Instagram’s Powerful Sibling Fri, 20 Jul 2018 17:42:24 +0000 Okay, so do you remember when was the last time you held your phone horizontally except watching a video on YouTube or Netflix or playing games? Don’t remember? It’s ok. Neither do I. Since a large number of mobile users usually access content on their phones in portrait mode, it’s no wonder that mobile games […]

The post IGTV – How Can Your Brand Leverage Instagram’s Powerful Sibling first appeared on Branex - International.

How Marketers Can Sell to the New Tech-Centric Generation Z – 5 Things You Can Do Right Now Wed, 11 Jul 2018 13:35:05 +0000 There is no denying the fact that millennials are the most significant group of consumers, but there is another consumer segment, younger than the ever-popular millennials, whose number and retail influence is continuing to skyrocket. Generation Z is widely recognized as the most powerful consumer base that is projected to account for more than 40% […]

The post How Marketers Can Sell to the New Tech-Centric Generation Z – 5 Things You Can Do Right Now first appeared on Branex - International.

6 Out-of-the-Box User-Generated Content Examples to Spruce up Your Marketing Efforts Mon, 02 Jul 2018 22:03:32 +0000 When it comes to buying a product that is posing a purchasing conundrum, who are you more likely to trust? The self-commending word of the brand itself or a friend or family member who can vouch for a first-hand experience with the product? Today, consumers are more digitally-savvy than ever before, and take trustworthy recommendations […]

The post 6 Out-of-the-Box User-Generated Content Examples to Spruce up Your Marketing Efforts first appeared on Branex - International.

Gone with the wind; Nailing the Element of Nostalgia in Your Branding Efforts Tue, 19 Jun 2018 12:41:09 +0000 Whether it’s seeing a pack of letters from an old friend, hearing an old song, playing your favorite game or eating your favorite foods that take you back down the memory lane , or when your nose catches a familiar fragrance that an old high school sweetheart used to wear, there are numerous objects, situations, […]

The post Gone with the wind; Nailing the Element of Nostalgia in Your Branding Efforts first appeared on Branex - International.

4 Product Page Optimization Techniques to Increase Conversions Mon, 11 Jun 2018 11:36:40 +0000 Product pages are the most vital components of an ecommerce website which help customers decide whether to check out or abandon the shopping cart. Unfortunately, they are often the most neglected elements of the sales funnel. Remember, the main purpose of your product page is to tell customers why your product is the best fit […]

The post 4 Product Page Optimization Techniques to Increase Conversions first appeared on Branex - International.

How to Create a Successful yield-oriented Ecommerce Website Mon, 04 Jun 2018 11:21:06 +0000 Today, online businesses are growing at a much faster rate than traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Many local retail stores, craft makers, and even bloggers have started selling their products and services online. According to Statista, global retail sales of ecommerce are expected to generate more than 653 billion US dollars in 2018. If truth be told, […]

The post How to Create a Successful yield-oriented Ecommerce Website first appeared on Branex - International.

Here’s How These Brands are Harnessing the Power of Chatbots to Improve their Marketing and Sales Wed, 30 May 2018 08:33:19 +0000 It must have dawned on you by now that we are surrounded by bots. If you read between the lines of fascinating success stories like Arby’s hilarious pizza slider bot, the future of brand awareness lies in the tiny digital paws of chatbots! Today, more and more businesses are using chatbots to create more personalized […]

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