Yousuf Rafi - Branex - International One Stop Brand Solutions Mon, 25 Mar 2024 05:48:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yousuf Rafi - Branex - International 32 32 163655795 12 Startup Business Ideas in 2021 To Make You Rich From The Duck Tales Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:56:11 +0000 “Life is like a hurricane, here in Duck Burg Race cars, lasers, airplanes, it’s a duck blur Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!” If you are a ‘90s kid then you might have recognized this song. For those who don’t know what I am talking about this is the theme song from Duck Tales […]

The post 12 Startup Business Ideas in 2021 To Make You Rich From The Duck Tales first appeared on Branex - International.

How to Encourage Online Business Reviews in 2020? Tue, 28 Jan 2020 06:00:52 +0000 I have sensitive skin and it goes haywire if I apply something it doesn’t approve of. In the endeavor of keeping healthy skin in this dry winter, I recently purchased a moisturizing cream that was referred to me by a friend of a friend. The cream is excellent, and I am happy with it. I […]

The post How to Encourage Online Business Reviews in 2020? first appeared on Branex - International.

Why Mobile Apps Are Important in the Healthcare Business in 2020? Tue, 21 Jan 2020 11:52:54 +0000 Can you believe that 40% of doctors think that a mobile app can reduce the number of visits to a clinic? In the same study, 93% of the physicians believe that healthcare mobile apps can improve patient’s health. Quite frankly, mobile apps are already helping people to educate themselves and make better medical decisions. Mobile […]

The post Why Mobile Apps Are Important in the Healthcare Business in 2020? first appeared on Branex - International.

7 Website Design Trends That Are Impossible To Ignore In 2024 Mon, 06 Jan 2020 12:37:44 +0000 Web design trends are somewhat like the seasons. They change every year. But the change is not repeated; rather, it continues to evolve with changing technology and human behavior. This presents endless possibilities for the designers to craft the perfect “love at first sight” interface to attract visitors instantly. Having said that, there are some […]

The post 7 Website Design Trends That Are Impossible To Ignore In 2024 first appeared on Branex - International.

The Best and The Worst Countries To Start a Business in 2020 Fri, 27 Dec 2019 07:43:28 +0000 You’ve been grinding away for the past ten years and religiously followed a 9-5 routine at the workplace. One day at work, you had an epiphany. You realize that after a professional journey of ten years and three employers, you’re still not where you wanted to be financially. To achieve your financial aspirations, you should […]

The post The Best and The Worst Countries To Start a Business in 2020 first appeared on Branex - International.

What Are Most common business problems And How To Solve Them In 2024? Thu, 19 Dec 2019 08:06:18 +0000 “In the early days of building Unity, I was told to hire a business executive that someone I look up to had previously worked with. Because of the warm recommendation, I went on to ignore my intuition that said something was wrong. What happens next is the usual story of a bad leadership hire. You’re […]

The post What Are Most common business problems And How To Solve Them In 2024? first appeared on Branex - International.

Top 7 Ways To Use Social Proof To Boost Your Sales Tue, 26 Nov 2019 11:10:30 +0000 Every business strives to win customers. There are unimaginable ways to gain the trust of customers. One of the most popular methods is using social proof to grab the attention of customers. Let’s be clear that people on your website are just people. Nobody wants to try something new. It is in our nature to […]

The post Top 7 Ways To Use Social Proof To Boost Your Sales first appeared on Branex - International.

Smart Business Strategies: How To Create An Unforgettable First Impression Fri, 15 Nov 2019 12:34:01 +0000 Remember that first job interview for an online business? You are stumbling on every step, sweating your way out, not being able to think clearly, and realizing that you are shaking while you are talking with the interviewer. Often, it is not about the interview itself; it is about the first impression that you create […]

The post Smart Business Strategies: How To Create An Unforgettable First Impression first appeared on Branex - International.

WordPress Security Tips To Make Your Website Healthy, Wealthy and Wisely Fri, 11 Oct 2019 10:42:09 +0000 According to Norton, the cost of a single data breach for a company in the USA is estimated to be $7.9 M. Unless you are Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos this number should give you a heart attack, or at least prepare you to secure your website before hackers take control of it. As a […]

The post WordPress Security Tips To Make Your Website Healthy, Wealthy and Wisely first appeared on Branex - International.

Google September 2019 Core Update – Read it before it’s too late Fri, 04 Oct 2019 10:28:41 +0000 Whenever there is a core algorithm update, and you feel that there is a dip or a rise in the ranking of your website, there are two reasons for that. First, either something changed on your website, or the second possibility is that Google has changed the criteria to determine the quality of the website.  […]

The post Google September 2019 Core Update – Read it before it’s too late first appeared on Branex - International.

What Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Amazon Marketing Strategy? Wed, 25 Sep 2019 08:21:39 +0000 Small businesses and entrepreneurs can learn valuable lessons from Amazon marketing strategy, including the importance of customer-centricity, innovation, efficient logistics, and a strong online presence. It was in 1995 when we saw an unknown company disrupting the way we do shopping. The company leveraged the power of the internet to make it very easy for […]

The post What Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Amazon Marketing Strategy? first appeared on Branex - International.

Eccentric Personal Habits You Can Steal From Successful People Thu, 19 Sep 2019 06:56:40 +0000 To become successful is a choice. It is about good personal habits. Habits determine 95% of an individual’s success. Do you have a friend who has a fetish for clean hands? He keeps hand sanitizer with him all the time and often refuses to shake hands with people. He’s so germophobic that he doesn’t even […]

The post Eccentric Personal Habits You Can Steal From Successful People first appeared on Branex - International.

Social Media Devotees: Facebook is Getting a New Makeover Mon, 16 Sep 2019 10:43:50 +0000 Out of many other announcements, Mark Zuckerberg made one very critical annunciation at the F8 conference, in May 2019. “We’re doing a complete makeover for Facebook. The new update code-named FB5 will be cleaner, faster, and centered around Facebook groups.” The new look is here and has eliminated the less vibrant blue that we’ve been […]

The post Social Media Devotees: Facebook is Getting a New Makeover first appeared on Branex - International.

6 Link Building Strategies To Crush Your Competitors Mon, 02 Sep 2019 12:29:50 +0000 It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran SEO professional or a beginner, you’ll agree that natural link building will give you a long-term position in Google search ranking. Links, links, and links everywhere. Whether you love them or hate them, the only thing that matters is what you do with them. Earning a high-quality link […]

The post 6 Link Building Strategies To Crush Your Competitors first appeared on Branex - International.

Likes On Social Media For Amateurs: Focus All Your Attention On Just One Thing Thu, 22 Aug 2019 06:33:14 +0000 If you’re a tech aficionado, you might have heard the news: Instagram is about to remove likes and counts from its posts. Shocking news, right? I mean, how can they remove the most critical element of social proof that ever existed? Likes are how we measure the success of our brand popularity, they show the […]

The post Likes On Social Media For Amateurs: Focus All Your Attention On Just One Thing first appeared on Branex - International.

How to Harness the Power of Saying No in Business and Increase Your Sales? Tue, 06 Aug 2019 11:32:41 +0000 Are you suffering from ”Gotta-do-a-deal-it-us” syndrome in Business? People who are from real estate might understand what I am talking about. For others, let me elaborate. The situation occurs when you’re buying a property that’s way out of your league. However, since you’re inspired by the events that occurred in Jim Carrey’s Yes Man, you […]

The post How to Harness the Power of Saying No in Business and Increase Your Sales? first appeared on Branex - International.

How To Cancel LinkedIn Premium Subscription and Polish Your Skills Instead? Thu, 01 Aug 2019 11:08:25 +0000 However, before you cancel your LinkedIn Premium subscription, you might want to understand and consider the benefits of keeping it. A couple of years ago, I was wandering around in an electronic store. I was not there to buy anything, just window shopping. A salesman saw me from a mile away, like an eagle looking […]

The post How To Cancel LinkedIn Premium Subscription and Polish Your Skills Instead? first appeared on Branex - International.

How To Build A Sustainable And Long-Term Business On Amazon? Tue, 30 Jul 2019 12:32:06 +0000 Imagine yourself coming back from an adventurous, off-the-grid two-week vacation that you thoroughly enjoyed and now you’re ready to take on the world. There were no work emails, no calls, and no late-night strokes of bad news. On the flip side, you learned that your team scored a big corporate client for the Amazon platform, […]

The post How To Build A Sustainable And Long-Term Business On Amazon? first appeared on Branex - International.

How To Promote Your Shopify Store On Social Media And Sleep Like A Baby? Thu, 25 Jul 2019 13:17:53 +0000 Everyone is an entrepreneur, but everyone is not the same. As a serial entrepreneur, I can tell you that it is an act of bravery to leave your 9-5 job and start a business in Shopify. When I started my first business – an eCommerce store, no one knew how things would go. We were […]

The post How To Promote Your Shopify Store On Social Media And Sleep Like A Baby? first appeared on Branex - International.

The Most Insane Business Ideas that Turned Out to be Grandly Successful Fri, 19 Jul 2019 13:01:57 +0000 Are you good at keeping a secret in the business field? If you promise not to tell anyone I will share one with you.   But I also know the juicy details I am about to spill here won’t stay in your stomach for long. You’ll be thrilled to experience it and share it with […]

The post The Most Insane Business Ideas that Turned Out to be Grandly Successful first appeared on Branex - International.

Why Spending Big Bucks on your SEO is Worth It! Thu, 11 Jul 2019 14:11:35 +0000 Spending big bucks on your SEO can be worth it if you have a clear goal, strategy, and budget for your SEO campaign.  There was nothing special about the event. The speaker began with a simple introduction. A breakthrough digital device. People were curious. They knew they were in for a surprise, but no one […]

The post Why Spending Big Bucks on your SEO is Worth It! first appeared on Branex - International.
