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Lure in More Customers in 2018 with Stellar Social Media Strategies

stellar social media strategies

Remember how you felt a jolt of excitement when you were first introduced to Twitter? Did you jump up with joy or brooded over what possible benefits this hipsterplatform could have for your business? I know I had my doubts.

However, 10 years down the road, Twitter has become a mainstream social media site. Same goes for Facebook; who could have imagined that a platform used for connecting with long-lost family members and friends would have such a vast impact on businesses. In fact, Social media has now become a vital part of any brand’s digital marketing strategy and is ingrained so deeply in our lives, that it is almost a travesty to consider a world without.

Despite the staggering statistics that you are bombarded with every second, the vast implications of Facebook haven’t dawned on some businesses, who still fail to employ this effective marketing tool to its full potential. Many digital marketers find it challenging to escalate website traffic, boost social media engagement, and create real conversions to increase their brand awareness.

Today, the number of likes, shares and follows determines the credibility of a brand. To create a loyal fan base and boost your sales, brands need to understand the requirements and preferences of their target audience. Prove to your audience that you are not an emotionless bot or a money-spurning machine. Try to engage, inspire and surprise your customers with shareable and memorable content.

Whether you are a digital marketing agency, a mobile app development agency, or a young entrepreneur, if you want to compete with well-established brands and gather more and more customers on your social media platforms, you need to implement these winning social media strategies in 2018.  

Humanize Your Brand

We live in a digital age where businesses can easily find an app or a software program for handling each aspect of their social media marketing. From scheduling posts to direct messaging – you can improve your social media marketing efforts tremendously.

While these are the most important aspects of your marketing company, you also need to make sure that your social media activities are not solely relying on automated tools. To cultivate a loyal and long-lasting relationship with your audience, you need to bring out the human side of your brand.

Being real with people on social media is the key. Sure, your social media automated tools are helping you stay organized, automated bots cannot be relied on to answer the most sensitive queries and misgiving of your followers. These tools don’t have the ability to respond to a client’s query in real-time. This can convey a negative message to your audience.

People want real engagement with your brand. It is highly recommended to avoid using these robots and automated tools as they fail to embody the personality of your brand, especially when it comes to responding to a customer in real-time. I’m not saying that you should steer clear of these automated resources. Smart digital marketers know when to use these automated resources and when they should add a more real, human touch. 

Provide Great Content

Being a digital marketer, you need to understand what your audience wants to read and tailor your content accordingly. You can use helpful, motivational, entertaining, and interesting images and memes to get your audience engaged with your brand consistently.In addition, videos, infographics, GIFs, quizzes, and fun tidbits let you intrigue your customers and lure them in every day for a dose of inspiration.

You can attract an ever-increasing host of people by creating real and compelling content on your social media accounts. Post informative, valuable and engaging content on your social media accounts, so that users regularly check your social media accounts to see what you have to say.

When in doubt, follow the rule of 80/20. This translates into the fact that80% of your content must be informative, entertaining, motivational, trending and inspiring. This 80% of content shouldn’t contain any branded stuff or promotional posts. It all depends on what your target audience enjoys the most.

follow the rule of 80/20

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If you find it difficult to unearth the preferences of your audience, you can check Facebook Audience Insights. Type in some topics of your interest and it will provide you with other brand pages, who are creating real content along those lines. Take all the tips and ideas you can from them and create similar content to post on your social media account. 

Don’t be Shy to Follow Others

Many brands aspire to accumulate a horde of followers, but they consider it beneath them to follow other people or brands. In the social media realm, this strategy doesn’t work. To create a massive social media following increased engagement, you should follow other successful brands and people, especially within your niche. You should know how to follow others. As a rule, follow only those people and brands which are relevant to your industry, products or services.

Don’t overlook the significance of social engagement as it is going to help your brand in the long run. People are prone to remember brands that provide solutions to their problems in a more positive and helpful manner. When you start following the industry leaders and relevant people and continue to provide them with feasible solutions, pertinent guidance, and relevant answers, your brand will soon start leading these people. I repeat; Don’t hesitate to follow other people. 

Measure Your Success

There are a number of ways that can help you measure your social media success. You can glean insights of your social media accounts from analytics and build your business on that foundation. Smart marketers always measure their success based on the social media engagement their brand is getting every single day on social media.

It is important to figure out how many users are interacting with you on a regular basis. Identify your key players who frequently comment on your posts or those who always seem willing to share your posts. Anytime, anyone likes, shares, comments, or retweets your post, your social media team should immediately take notice, and reply to those fans and followers to let them know that they are special to you.

One amazing way of measuring the success of your social media campaigns is to set up a particular goal. For instance, your goal is to create 100 signups on Facebook with at least 15 shares, 25 likes and 5 comments. These are some personal engagement goals you can create for your campaigns.

It is important to understand and create goals by which you can track your engagement success on the social media platform of your choice. Every social media platform is different. The audience may be the same, but their behaviors on different social media platforms is different. It is advised to tailor content by keeping the algorithm and ergonomics of various social networks in mind.  

Foster Strong Relationships

Cultivating lasting relationships with your audience is one of the most effective social media marketing tips. While it seems pretty hard to build the relationship, especially on a virtual ground, with consistent marketing efforts, you can do it as well as successful organizations.

Developing relationships creates brand loyalty and an avenue for fans and followers with whom you had just built a relationship with. You invest your efforts and time, and eventually build a relationship, and establish that coveted trust. This separates a consumer who doesn’t know your brand intimately from the person you just created a bond with. Building positive relationships with your audience is a powerful marketing strategy and one that your brand should be taking advantage of every day. 

Food for Thought!

These are the best social media strategies every brand should strive to follow consistently. You have a brand to build and a whopping number of followers who want to learn about your brand. When you invest quality time, efforts, and knowledge into your audience, you will reap great results with these effective social media marketing strategies.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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