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6 Best Holiday Marketing Campaign Ideas to Ring in Christmas and New Year

With shopping malls decked out with holly and pumpkin lattes back in season, countless brands are rushing to cash in on the shopping spree fever. Holiday marketing campaigns are pro life rating across social media and our inbox must be flooded over with holiday-themed promotional offers.

To put it in a nutshell, holiday emails, social media posts, and TVCs are all one gets to see these days. While you may not be one to belt your own rendition of Mariah Carey’s “all I Want for Christmas is you”, and baking reindeer and Santa shaped cookies, you cannot possibly overlook the holiday season as a perfect time to spread some joy and connect with your customers in a cheery way!

It might seem like holiday marketing is running rampant. Some brands are getting the most out of the holiday shopping season and doing it very well, while others are striving hard to come up with promotional campaign ideas to finish off the year with record-breaking sales.

Just like shopping for gifts, planning for holiday promotional campaigns is something you don’t want to put off until the last minute. With Christmas just around the corner and New Year following at its heels, customers are ready to turnout their pockets.

Therefore, it is important to create a timely plan for reaching out to your existing and potential customers before your competitors do.

There are a plethora of brands who actually know the trick of interacting with the right audience and delighting their customers. They promote sharing and evoke emotions by connecting with their brand advocates, or partnering with a nonprofit organization.

Are you looking for some great holiday marketing ideas for your Christmas advertising campaigns? Check out these successful holiday marketing drives to spruce up your own promotional campaign:

Starbucks’ Newest Holiday Cups

Starbucks’ Newest Holiday Cups

Starbucks has been producing holiday cups for 20 years.  This year, they came up with a unique idea; the cup displays aubiquitous Christmas tradition; afestooned Christmas tree, illustrations of presents, and people holding hands.

Starbucks Christmas campaign claims that “The holidays mean something different for everyone.”

Sanja Gould, a company spokeswoman says, “This year’s hand-drawn cup features scenes of celebrating with loved ones — whoever they may be. We intentionally designed the cup, so our customers can interpret it in their own way, adding their own color and illustrations.”

This is an amazing Christmas promotional idea that created social media buzz and gained wide spreadpublic attention. The holidays are all about remembering what it means to spread goodness into the world and give love, and these are the emotions the red cup means to evoke!

Coca Cola: #Holidays Are Coming Campaign

Coca Cola: #Holidays Are Coming Campaign

For Coca Cola fans, the twinkling Coca Cola Christmas trucks are synonymous with the festive season. For the last twenty one years, twinkling Coca Cola Christmas trucks have been spreading holiday cheer across Europe. Coca Cola holiday trucks herald the festive season each year.The ever-popular Coca Cola truck tours spread happiness and joy across the whole continent. The brand has already announced its 2017 route and tour dates.

Watch the new Coca-Cola Christmas advert 2017 to see the spectacle for yourself:

HubSpot’s #Holiday Hub Campaign

Are you thinking about how your digital marketing team can celebrate Christmas and New Year in style? Take a look at this HubSpot Holiday Hub campaign. The brand used micro sites to highlight its holiday campaign and target a particular demographic of online shoppers. The HubSpot holiday-themed micro site is a perfect business promotional idea for your brand. You can also use the animated snow effect using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript to create a feeling of festive joy.

Google Santa Tracker

Google Santa Tracker has been around for many years, and each year it comes up with more advanced features. The Santa Tracker app includes new games, Android TV support and more. Every year on Christmas Eve, you can track Santa on his real journey across the globe delivering presents. The Santa tracker is back for 2017 with a lot of new games, a redesigned village and allowing its users to follow Santa’ journey on Android TV,making it even more fun!

Samsung Galaxy: Unwrap The Feels

Samsung always seeks to bring holiday cheer to its wide user base with some unique and awesome ideas. As virtual reality is gradually becoming an important marketing device for brands to create an exceptional user experience, the brand used the idea of VR Gear in their holiday marketing promotional campaigns.

With their Unwrap the Feels campaign for these holidays, the brand wants to portray the feelings that come with relatives gifting their loved ones Samsung Galaxy smartphones equipped with a VR headset. It evokes a broad range of reactions and emotions among recipients – shock, wonder, and happiness, to name a few

Dollar Shave Club: Holiday Shave Set

Last year, Dollar Shave Club came up with an amazing video promoting its Holiday Shave Gift Set with a tagline“The Gift that Other Gifts can’t handle”.In this video, the brand wants to show their audience how their products can spice up the holiday monotony with a simple, catchy idea.

Dollar Shave ClubGetting it Right this Christmas and New Year

If your brand wants to get ahead of the curve this Christmas season, you need to focuson what has worked for many brands and follow their lead. With a unique holiday marketing idea and effective execution, you can make all the difference and make your holiday marketing campaigna huge success.

When these brands can make a difference, why not you?Get your campaign up and running right away. Evoke emotions, connect with your audience and delight your customers.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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