Branex - International


5 Killer Web Design Secrets to boost your Sales

What makes a website stand out? Is it the image or the content on the website? Presenting 5 Killer Web Design Secrets to boost your Sales:

  1. Use fonts that look good on your mobile phone

Many companies ignore this fact, but fonts leave a lasting impression to customers. With the advancement in mobile app development, it’s necessary for every business to consider features which are compatible on a mobile app. Today more than 80% of the traffic is from smart phone and to grab the attention of that crowd, give them the most beautiful font.

  1. Make Sure Your Grandmother can order from your website

I know, many people will think I am mad, but seriously if your website is not usable for your grandmother than I repeat redesign. Use the features that are easy to browse.

  1. Where to ask for help?

Most of the time customers will not complain about your website but leave from landing page. A good practice is to keep your customer service chat on top of everything. Make sure the chat is present on landing page as well as on other pages. Engaging customers via chat is a promising way to stay on your website more.

  1. How fast can I order from the website?

Landing customers on your company website are the easy part, but engaging customers is hard. Furthermore, the most competitive part is to create a fast gateway for customers to order from your website. Your sales will boost when customers feel easy to order from your website both from a mobile phone or mobile app.

  1. Numbers Don’t Win Customers but Testimonials Does

When customers browse your website mostly they are looking for testimonials or feedback from other customers. It is a greater chance of sales when customers read reviews that are making a difference.

On the concluding end pick a company that can design and develop website in the simplest form. Make sure the content is clutter free and design is equipped with killer fonts.

Chris Stone

1 comment

  • how about optimising your pages parallax effects to stop unusable scroll inertia

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