Branex - International


9 Smokin’ Hot Web Design Trends That Have Transformed The Real Estate Business

Website designing is a swift pacing industry and even swiftly the trends in the website design world change. But, it also happens that some promising trends keeps their position and stay while newer trends emerge. Another business industry that is making waves in the international business markets is the real estate. According to figures from 2015, real estate trading is estimated to have increased by at least 7% till date. Keeping in view the tremendous growth factor that both the business industries have in them, Branex, a professional website design agency in the United States has come up with the website design trends that are likely to dominate this year’s best ranking websites:

Full-screen video backgrounds

Full screen video background is an increasingly popular trend that has captured the attention and expert eye of all the professional website designers and responsible business owners across the globe. Web video spread over full screen with minimal content overlaid on top provides a rich and intuitive user experience for web visitors. Full screen videos provides a great first impression of the overall brand to the user by just glancing at the website. It captures the visitor’s attention effectively creating a deeper interest in the services offered. Additionally, changing the video with time keeps your website looking fresh and up to date.

Flat design is here to stay

The trend of flat design that have minimal distraction is only going to gain momentum in the coming times. Flat design presents contest of the service offered in simple yet compelling way. It’s clean, modern and showcases only the most essential part of the website, without over doing the design and instilling unnecessary distractions that make the online visitor lose focus. Flat design icons have grown in popularity and have been adopted by big companies like Apple and Microsoft. The main charm is its clutter free-ness and increased focus on content.

Scroll is the in-thing

Various scroll site iterations are increasing in popularity and have taken over the clicking through pages. It is vouched by many that single page scrolling sites are more intuitive than multiple page sites. Scrolling allows a user to go through more content in a single go than that of a click through website, thus fostering better interaction between the business and the brand itself.

Let typography move to center stage

Typography is often over looked in website designing. The font you choose for your website determines the readability and the relevance of the content as a whole. Creative typography can turn your ordinary looking website into a masterpiece, a marvel of art. Responsive typography is another front line strategy that allow users to read text with more clarity on any given device. A higher contrast ratio is also created by a well-spaced and placed typography that makes it easier for the user to read and then process. Your choice of typography also sets the mood of your website and adds to the overall credibility of your brand.

Simpler search bars

For a website design that is going to interact with customers and vendors in the real estate business, simpler is better. Simple sites allow clients to start searching for a property as soon as they land on your page, thus making sure you save their time and they respond positively by picking up things that are otherwise left for fate to unfold.

Mobile will continue to gain momentum

Responsive design was a trend in 2014 that continued into 2015 and further till date it’s on a growing trend. Many real estate portals and brokers are opting to create unique experiences for mobile users. Desktop and mobile usage is arguably very different. In 2014, more people used mobile devices to access the Internet than ever before. It’s imperative to create a mobile-friendly website design that looks beyond responsive design and creates an overall better mobile user experience.

Replace images with text

You must have heard that actions speak louder than words, the case is getting literally real as website design trend for real estate business are shifting towards real images and videos to make that quick and effective first impression on a web visitor. Integrating images and videos on your website is an easy yet efficient way to grab your prospect’s attention in addition to the ease of understanding that these mediums brings to your prospects.

Hidden menus

It’s becoming more popular for websites to hide navigation off-screen until you interact with an element toward the top of the screen. Hidden menus enable you to keep a clean design focused on the most important elements of your site until users choose to interact with the navigation.

Incorporation of ghost buttons

Ghost buttons are an attractive way to style your website design that have special effect hover animation. They have become the favorite of professional website design agencies across the United States due to their quick attention grabbing features and provide an intuitive touch to the overall website design. Ghost buttons provide an elegant finished look and adds unbeatable attraction to the ‘call to action’ areas of your web design.


So these are the nine smoking hot trends for real estate website design in the United States this year. You see, every business industry is unique and so are the trends that are followed in it. I will return with some other informational content about website design for customers in my next post and I hope you woul’ve enjoyed reading this one!

Chris Stone

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