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Top-6 Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks

The times these days are influenced by mobile apps. According to the latest estimates, a common user checks his/her mobile phone approx. 150 times a day. That makes almost 8 Billion times collectively for Americans only, and why not? Mobile app development in USA have opened up doors to unprecedented business generating opportunities for both buyers and sellers, that too with the added advantage of convenience attached to it. Today, we have a mobile app for just about every purpose we fulfill during our normal day at either work or home. Entertainment, infotainment, subject oriented, distance, navigation, calculation even future predictions, we have an app for every purpose. You just name it and the app stores will have it.

And the current times too are just appropriate to invest in mobile app development. for individuals who are the fans of D.I.Y, this time is the most appropriate to learn mobile app development as we have multiple online tutorials that provide you knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript absolutely free of charge. Unlike native mobile app development, mobile apps that use web technologies can also support mobile platforms. There are many tools and framework available to help you out and in this article, Branex, a professional mobile app development company in the USA is highlighting few that are really doing good work for the novice app developers out there.


Ionic is the most promising HTML 5 mobile app development frameworks available today.It’s build using the SAAS (software as a service) base, that doesn’t require any kind of software or hardware installation and works online only. Ionic provides multiple UI components that make the development of interactive and feature rich apps possible it uses JavaScript and Angular JS frameworks as the main power houses. Angular JS is specifically popular for mobile development among developers due to the interaction with backend services and APIs along with two-way data binding.

most promising HTML 5 app development frameworks

The Ionic team is working on to launch an easier way of creating apps through Ionic Creator. Its release is expected soon and it will also have a drag and drop option to ease first timers and is going to make the creation of a mobile app possible in minutes.

Mobile Angular UI

Mobile angular UI is a HTML 5 framework that uses Angular JS and bootstrap 3 to create mobile app master pieces. Apart from using these two popular frameworks for app creation, Mobile Angular UI also uses components such as switches, sidebars and overlays that are not present in the normal bootstrap version and Angular JS modules such as angular-touch, angular animate and angular-route.

angular UI is a HTML 5 framework

Moreover, it doesn’t even have any kind of jQuery dependencies and it strips out responsive media queries as separate files so the user doesn’t have to work on them individually. All that is required by the user is to have some Angular JS directives that would aid in the creation of the mobile apps.

Intel XDK

Intel XDK is cross platform mobile application development tool that is designed by the popular tech giant Intel. Getting started with this platform is really easy and only a download is required to get going, plus it’s free and available for working on Windows, Mac and Linux. Intel XDK also provides a number of templates that support myriad of UI frameworks such as jQuery and Topcoat etc.

Intel XDK is cross platform

It also provides a live preview on the connected device while you are busy developing the app to nullify bugs and fixes beforehand. Talking on a personal level, doing development through the Intel XDK is a child’s game as it provides the drag and drop option as well.

Appcelerator’s Titanium

This is also an open source mobile application development framework that fosters the creation of native apps for multiple mobile platforms. Along with native apps, it is also considered a complete solution for hybrid app creation as it is equipped with the top class mobile platform APIs and cloud services that are used as an application backend. The platform independent APIs that it comes built-in with, makes it much easier to access the mobile device’s hardware.

titanium open source mobile application development framework

The main ingredient that it uses is Alloy. Alloy is a MVC framework that permits quicker development of app and the mobile apps that are created using it are easy to reuse and helps in significantly reducing the development time and lines of code written. It also comes with code samples to make it easier for novice developers to get started.

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is a popular HTML 5 mobile app framework that is used to create mobile applications for several platforms such as Android, iOS and Blackberry. Sencha is here is the market for years now and is mainly popular among developers who create mobile app for multiple platforms at the same time aka hybrid apps.

Sencha Touch is a popular HTML 5 app development farmwork

The score ratio of Sencha is really high in comparison with its competitors because it provides a native look and feel to the mobile app developed on it, for multiple platforms. Although getting started with Sencha is not too difficult, but a significant investment of time is definitely needed by someone new to get the best results possible. Samples are there on the official page of the app development platform for initial help of the novice developers.

Telerik’s Kendo UI

Telerik’s Kendo UI is also an app development framework that works on the HTML 5 for creating cross platform mobile applications. It relies heavily on jQuery and also feature multiple jQuery based widgets. Those who have the initial idea of what jQuery is will not face many difficulties in learning Kendo. Most of its features are open source and JavaScript based.

There is an official documentation to help starters in getting started and video tutorials are also available for help.


So these are the 6 most popular mobile application development platforms in the United States. People who wants to develop their mobile app by themselves can make use of any of the above mentioned platforms to create an app master piece for them. For any other help, there are professional app development agencies in USA that could aid clients in troubled situations.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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