Branex - International


Top 9 Graphic Design Trends to Follow in 2017 – Infographics

Graphic Design

A flat graphic design is like a simple framed picture on your wall – you don’t really notice it’s there … until it’s gone. Obviously, you don’t want your design to wear out, to drive the visitors away from your website.

Instead, you want your design to stand out. And you know what a good web design is like a good film, it has a good story, good director, good cast and as a result good audience. So if have followed some of our previous web design blogs you might have realized that we try to offer our readers the best in the market tips. Hey but you still have any doubt, feel free to check our previous blogs.

The sun is upon on our heads, which means we are in middle of the year 2017, Congo to that! But what about the ever-changing trends. Are you following the trends that are currently in the market? If not, no need to worry. We are here to help you out.

Our experts at Branex took out some time and compiled a wonderful infographic. We are not firing aimlessly on the dartboard instead we have done some work on behalf of you. This is not just some elements on the image. This is a result of the well researched image that will act as your guideline for the rest of the year.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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